
Fract'ol is a program that generates and displays fractal images using the MLX42.


  • Display of Julia, Mandelbrot and Burningship sets.
  • Zoom almost infinitely.
  • Ability to specify different Julia sets with command line parameters.
  • Color management to visualize fractal depth.
  • Smooth window closure by pressing the ESC key or clicking the close button on the window.

Project Requirements

  • macOS
  • Cmake
  • glfw


  • O & P or mousewheel to zoom in and out
  • M & N to increase the amount of iterations (the quality of the fractal)
  • W-A-S-D to move around
  1. Clone this repository to your machine.
  2. Use the provided Makefile to compile the program.
  3. Execute the program by specifying the type of fractal to display as parameters.
  4. Explore fractals using the controls.