Fract'ol is a program that generates and displays fractal images using the MLX42.
- Display of Julia, Mandelbrot and Burningship sets.
- Zoom almost infinitely.
- Ability to specify different Julia sets with command line parameters.
- Color management to visualize fractal depth.
- Smooth window closure by pressing the ESC key or clicking the close button on the window.
Project Requirements
- macOS
- Cmake
- glfw
- O & P or mousewheel to zoom in and out
- M & N to increase the amount of iterations (the quality of the fractal)
- W-A-S-D to move around
- Clone this repository to your machine.
- Use the provided Makefile to compile the program.
- Execute the program by specifying the type of fractal to display as parameters.
- Explore fractals using the controls.