Git Demo

In this repository we will demo our git skills by creating a list of all the students in our class in alphabetical order by last name. For full credit, each student should commit their name using their github username.

If you would rather not post your real name in this public space, please feel free to select an alias, as long as the alias has your initials and alphabetically falls in the same position in the class list.

Before you can commit, Dr. Hill must add your github username to the repo.

Recommended steps:

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Make your change
  3. Commit your change
  4. Pull the latest version
  5. Merge any changes & resolve any conflicts
  6. Commit merged changes & push

New to git?

If you're new to git, I highly recommend using a GUI interface such as GitHub Desktop or SourceTree to help you manage your repo. This is the tool I use to manage my git repos because it offers an intuitive push-button interface for all git commands (so I don't need to remember the syntax of the command line), has a great visual view of all changes & branches, and tells me when there are remote pushes I need to grab.