
Parzello is a delay and retry service on top of Google Pub Sub to publish messages with a time delay to a topic.

Primary LanguageGo


Parzello is a delay service on top of Google Pub Sub to publish messages with a time delay to a topic. It uses multiple intermediate topic->subscriptions to queue such messages which are pulled (streaming) on computed time intervals. These intermediate resources (topics, subscription) need to be created before deploying this service with the corresponding configuration.

use cases

Parzello was created to support a couple of unusual usecases.

backoff or postpone processing

Consider the situation that the subscriber is unable to process a message because its backend services are not available. Each such message can not be acknowledged. Therefore it will be offered on the next pull (or push) causing many operation calls which cause increased network traffic. One solution is to deliver those messages to parzello for the purpose of retrying it later. Alternatively, the subscriber could be given the capability to stop|pause the pulling process.

late night or bulk processing

Consider the requirement that messages need to be processed in a certain time window only (at night when more resources are available). One solution is to deliver those messages to parzello for the purpose of having them published later.

out of order

Pub Sub, like most message queueing solutions, does not guarantee that messages are delivered in the same order as they were published. This must be taken into account when designing the message definition and the subscriber software architecture. So rather then publishing events such as "order created", "order detail changed" one should have a single event "order updated" with all information about the order and the timestamp when it was updated. If this design is not possible then the subscriber must handle the situation that an "order changed" event is received before an "order created" for the same entity. One solution is to deliver those messages to parzello for the purpose of having them published again later. Ofcourse this is a fragile design and can lead to problems (what if the created event was never published?) so be aware of this when using parzello for this case.

how does it work?

Instead of the publisher publishing to its destination topic, it publishes the message to a parzello PubSub topic specifying the time to delay the publish using message properties (see details below). The parzello service will publish that message to one of its intermediary topics. Each such topic has its own listener (pulling messaging) at a time interval. Using a configuration, you must specify which intermediary topics you have created with durations based on your estimations of the actual delay amounts.

In this diagram, 2 such topics exists. One is pulled every 5 minutes. Each message is inspected, by looking at the message properties, to see whether it is about time to publish it to the actual destination topic.

For example, a message that needs to be delivered after 8 minutes will be published by parzello to parzello_5_minutes once and 3 times to parzello_1_minute .

In the next design, parzello is used to retry publishing a message at a later moment. By passing publish count metadata (parzello.publishCount) to the message, a subscriber can inspect this value and behave accordingly (i.e abort on when this value exceeds the maximum retries).

mirror messages

When messages are being retried multiple times, it can very helpful to inspect those messages to see the reason and the payload of such a message. To support this in parzello, messages can be mirrored in a DataStore by indicating this using the parzello.datastoreLookup and parzello.datastoreInfo properties. Message stored in DataStore can be easily queried and counted (see REST API) using the Google Cloud Console. Once a message is published to its destination topic, it will also be deleted from the DataStore.

( Name,DestinationTopic,EntryTime,Info,Lookup,Payload,Properties,PublishAfter,PublishCount,PublishTime )


message attributes

properties when publishing to parzello

name required comment
parzello.destinationTopic true topic to which the message eventually must be published
parzello.publishAfter true Unix time (seconds after 1970) after which the message must be published
parzello.publishCount false if set then the value is incremented before publishing to the destionationTopic
parzello.datastoreLookup false if set to some lookup value (e.g. an entity identifier) then also store the message with payload in DataStore for querying
parzello.datastoreInfo false use this field to add context information to the message stored in the DataStore
X-Cloud-Debug false if set to some identifier then for this message debug logging is produced

properties on a message received from parzello

name comment
parzello.publishCount set to 1 if missing otherwise it is incremented when received by parzello. So the publisher should add this property on every retry.


The REST API is for querying the DataStore using simple queries that may not be possible using GQL, the query language for Google DataStore.


Returns the number of mirrored messages stored in the DataStore. If the Lookup is given then use that as a filter (WHERE condition). If the Info is given then use that as a filter (WHERE condition).


The parzello server configuration (YAML) lists one or more queues (intermediate topic+subscriptions). This example show 2 such queues. The topics and subscriptions must be created upfront in the project YOUR-PROJECT-ID. A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "60s", "1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ms", "s", "m", "h".

project-id: YOUR-PROJECT-ID
subscription: parzello_inbound
- topic: parzello_minute
  subscription: parzello_minute
  duration: 1m
- topic: parzello_five_minutes
  subscription: parzello_five_minutes
  duration: 5m

  username: parzello
  password: parzello

Google AppEngine Deployment

Google PubSub topics and subscriptions

Before deploying the parzello application, you need to setup the required infrastructure:

  • make sure Google AppEngine is enabled
  • make sure all PubSub topics mentioned in the configuration are created
  • make sure all PubSub subscriptions mentioned in the configuration are created

See https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/pubsub/

deploy as a service

As the app.yaml specifies the service to be parzello, Google AppEngine needs to have an application deployed as default first. Alternatively, you modify the app.yaml file and set the service to default instead. Note that parzello requires Flex deployment because it starts background processes to consume subscriptions.

gcloud app deploy


make run