
Go learning

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Go Journey

This repository contains educative content related Go-lang. Starting from the basics to advanced use cases of the language with code snippets and explanations.

I post all this information in GitHub because that way I have to dig a into language specific feature and not just reading thru internet and/or copying random code from different websites.

While checking the repo if there is something missing or can be improved feel free to send a pull request or open an issue in this same repo.

Table of content

Content Description
1 Basics Variables declaration, error handling maps, slices, go routines and references.
2 Functions Functions parameters, return type and anonymous functions
3 Poo/structs Data structures with getters setters and constructors
3.1 Poo/factory Factory pattern implementation in go
4 Modules Modules creation, implementation and alias
5 Testing/unit Information about how to run tests, different tools and examples on unit test
5.1 Testing/mocks Example of mocked tests based on the example from inheritance
6 Concurrency From go routines to multithread WebServer