iOS puzzle game, using OpenGL
CMY is short for Cyan, Magenta and Yellow. These are the three basic colors used in modern day color printing. Mixing these colors is the objective of the game.
Cyan and magenta make blue, cyan and yellow make green, magenta and yellow make red. Together, they make black.
The objective is to place as many tiles on the board as possible, making room for new tiles by merging the colors correctly. There's a small introduction video at:
CMY is a simple game, both in gameplay but also in the techniques used behind it. The game started as a prototype with potential, so the code is a bit messy in some places. It does work correctly though on all iOS devices, iOS 8 and better. The code includes handling of in-app purchases, gamecenter integration, achievements, OpenGL pixel shaders, and a very rudimentary 3d 'engine'.
It's in the app store: