
An example and demo of how one can use CUE for k8s resource management

Primary LanguageCUE

Demo of CUE and k8s


This demo aims to showcase some of the features of CUE and how they can improve the life of a kubernetes administrator.


First set the working dir. This should be the root of the git repo!

export WDIR=$(pwd)

Enable the experimental cue modules support.

export CUE_EXPERIMENT=modules

Set the OCI registry URL.

export CUE_REGISTRY=localhost:5000/cue


Pull and run a docker registry.

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name registry registry:2

Destroy registry to cleanup.

docker rm -f registry

Cue Modules

Upload supporting modules to the OCI registry. These modules are utilized by apps, bundles, flavors and cluster configurations. They are mostly schemas and therefor are very generalized.

# Modules
cd $WDIR/modules/k8s
cue mod tidy
cue mod publish v1.0.0

cd $WDIR/modules/fluxv2
cue mod tidy
cue mod publish v1.0.0

cd $WDIR/modules/module
cue mod tidy
cue mod publish v0.0.1