This is course materials from the course Applied Econometrics, lead by HC Kongsted and Vera Rocha, 2022.
This repo have R scripts for the workshops instead of Stata, which was the default in the course.
The data-wrangling is done with data.table and the estimation is with fixest, two packages from the 'fastverse' collection of packages. These two packages are not very newbie friendly, but have high performance and a succinct and efficient syntax. Although I aspire to make my code readable, I have a particular workflow and project setup that is not explained. I have not spent time on cleaning this up, since it is unclear to me if anybody will actually use this.
What this means is that the R scripts might be a bit hard to wrap your head around, unless you are experienced in R. Nevertheless, they will probably help you in the right direction. Feel free to reach out to me if you need help to understand this.
in the 'exam' folder, there is two mock exams and the actual exam. I have done these in quarto. I did not do well in the exam, so please don't take it as a canonical answer - the things I did answer was correct, 'although sometimes somewhat hazy', was the feedback but I did not answer enough questions. That is to say: the answers that are present are correct, but there are not enough of them - I include it to show how to do it in quarto, and to give even more examples.
I recommend the pages:
that have translations of stata and R code.