
Small opionated dev program for developing Electron apps using the nano* stack (the modules backing Choo.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Small opionated dev program for developing Electron apps using the nano* stack (the modules backing Choo.js)

npm install -g nanotron


# Browserifies ./index.js and wraps it in a Electron shell while applying the below transforms.
# To reload, press CMD-R.

Comes with transforms enabled for envify, sheetify, and nanohtml.

  • Uses the locally installed electron, otherwise the one bundled with this module.
  • If electron.js exists, this file will be required as part of the electron process
  • If index.html exists this file will be used as the html wrapper.
  • The compiled js is available as bundle.js in the index.html page.
  • Loads your sheetify settings from your package.json.
