Simulation code for “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Three Myths and Two Critical Questions,” by Emil Björnson, Özgecan Özdogan, Erik G. Larsson, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 58, no. 12, pp. 90-96, December 2020.
- Annekly
- aokengine
- Aron001xx
- DavePenn
- Franklingo13
- hsmigit
- HumphreyFu
- Israa83
- jetpyj
- jiuzhou-yy
- kyxscut
- mitoksimCalifornia
- onism222lalaland
- ozlemtugfedemir
- paomozhixiacch
- Paul9615
- paulchen2713Industrial Technology Research Institute
- pedroidcUFABC
- ppi1127
- Puhuameng
- Raowia
- SAMMoe
- shateielyHarbin Institute of Technology
- shuyuejiao
- swnner
- victorcroisfeltConnectivity Section, Aalborg University
- wenhaofseu
- whiteShark-oneNanJing
- yashcaoBUPT,China
- zai93368
- zhuzhucat