Repository of the EMILI (Early Medieval Irish Latinate Inscriptions) project. A digital collection of inscriptions, primarily in Old and Middle Irish and in the Latin script, from the early medieval period (6th - 12th cent. AD)

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Early Medieval Irish Latinate Inscriptions project to create a digital corpus of Irish inscriptions in the Latin script (https://emili.celt.dias.ie). Based in the Department of Early Irish at Maynooth University with Prof. David Stifter as PI and Dr Nora White as Co-I. Phase 1 has been funded by a Royal Irish Academy Nowlan Digitisation grant 2021 and focuses on inscriptions from Ulster, Connacht and Leinster. The project website (https://emili.celt.dias.ie) is hosted by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and the data will be deposited in the Digital Repository of Ireland for long-term preservation.