Job Search RPG 💼

Table of Contents


Job Search RPG is an interactive text-based game where you navigate through various job search scenarios, make decisions, and battle recruiters and interviewers. Utilize your skills to defeat enemies and progress through the game, ultimately landing a job.


  • Interactive text-based gameplay
  • Multiple job search scenarios and decisions
  • Strategic battle system with skills and modifiers
  • Save and load game functionality
  • Unit tests to ensure code reliability



Ensure you have the following installed:

  • GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
  • Make


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <>
    cd job-search-rpg
  2. Compile the game:


Directory Structure

├── data/
│   ├── scenarios.json
│   └── skills.json
├── doc/
├── obj/
├── src/
│   ├── battle.c
│   ├── battle.h
│   ├── character.c
│   ├── character.h
│   ├── cJSON.c
│   ├── cJSON.h
│   ├── dictionary.c
│   ├── dictionary.h
│   ├── enemy.c
│   ├── enemy.h
│   ├── graph.c
│   ├── graph.h
│   ├── json_loader.c
│   ├── json_loader.h
│   ├── main.c
│   ├── queue.c
│   ├── queue.h
│   ├── scenario.c
│   ├── scenario.h
│   ├── stack.c
│   └── stack.h
├── tests/
│   ├── test_battle.c
│   ├── test_character.c
│   ├── test_queue.c
│   ├── test_scenario.c
│   └── test_stack.c
├── Makefile
├── savegame.txt
└── ...


To start the game, run the compiled binary:


Follow the on-screen prompts to create your character, navigate through scenarios, and engage in battles.

Game Mechanics

Character Creation

  • Choose a name for your character.
  • Select 4 out of 10 possible skills.


Skills have different effects such as increasing attack (ATK), defense (DEF), or dealing direct damage.


Navigate through various job search scenarios. Each scenario presents different decisions and potential battles.


Engage in turn-based battles with recruiters and interviewers. Use your skills strategically to defeat them.

Data Loading

Loading Skills and Scenarios

The game loads skills and scenarios from JSON files located in the data directory. These files provide the necessary data for character skills and game scenarios.


  • Located in data/skills.json.
  • Contains a list of skills with their names, descriptions, types, modifiers, and durations.


  • Located in data/scenarios.json.
  • Contains a list of scenarios, each with a name, description, decisions, and associated enemies.

The JSON files are parsed using the cJSON library, and the data is loaded into appropriate structures in memory. This allows for efficient access and manipulation of game data during runtime.


Running Tests

Unit tests are included to ensure code reliability. To compile and run the tests, use:

make test

Tests Overview

  • Character Tests: Validate character creation and attributes.
  • Battle Tests: Ensure battle mechanics work as expected.
  • Scenario Tests: Verify scenario navigation and decision impacts.
  • Queue Tests: Test queue operations.
  • Stack Tests: Test stack operations.