
Awesome books is a single-page website that allows you to add or remove books to create a list or book collection adding and removing from the list. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Awesome books with ES6.

Hello! Awesome books is a single page website that allows you to add or remove books to create a list or book colleccion. Re-creating this website you will learn how to give some functionality to your sections and make your website more user-interactive. Apart from creating and display a list you will learn how to set and get items from local storage and how to use an external package like luxom to display the current date.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Getting Started

Setting up this project locally: On your terminal: 1- Clone this repository to your computer: git clone git@github.com:emiliazm/awesomebooks-es6.git. 2- Open the project on your code editor: "cd awesomebooks-es6" and "code ." 3- Install npm package: npm install.

Live Demo (if available)

Live Demo Link


Re-create your Awesome books app following the rules:

  • Use ES6 syntax.
  • Divide your code into modules. Save each module in a separate file in the modules dir. Import modules in the index.js file. For this exercise - the more modules the better!
  • Keep all funcionalities of the app without errors.
  • Refactor your methods and functions to arrow functions.
  • Use let and const in a correct way.
  • Display the current date below the navigation bar. (For this requirement you should use a library Luxon.)


👤 Emilia Zambrano

🤝 Contributing

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Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Microverse README template.
  • Figma.

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.