
Laravel Elixir Webpack Extension (improved)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple extension to laravel elixir to build javascript bundle with webpack.


npm install --save-dev laravel-elixir-webpack-advanced


  • ES6-loader with Babel
    • source maps
    • multiple bundles
    • shared modules
  • Bower dependency resolver
    • you can add any bower package to your application like you did with npm
    • images will be resolved automatically and placed in (plublicPath / js.outputFolder / <-name of bower package->)
    • css (with correct assets path) will be extracted to plublicPath / js.outputFolder / <-name of main entry point->.css
  • HTML loader
    • you can require any html template in your js-application
  • Stylus and Sass|Scss loaders
  • Native watcher
    • if you start gulp watch - webpack task will started in watch mode, so any further changes of application files would not restart webpack task


Example Gulpfile:

var elixir = require("laravel-elixir"),
	config = elixir.config;

// Here you can override default elixir configuration
// config.assetsPath = 'path/to/assets/dir';
// ...


elixir(function(mix) {

First argument is the entry point[s] of your application (default directory is resources/assets/js). In second argument you could pass webpack options. In production mode, bundle will be compressed. Third argument - object for webpack.ProvidePlugin.

Advanced example

* If you wish to add some vendor libs to your project - you can redefine `entry` option 
* in webpack config: `entry: { vendor: ['jquery', 'vue', ...] }`
* This list of libraries will be bundled into `vendor.js`

elixir(function(mix) {
    	* You can simply write string: 'app' or 'app.js' => output: main.js
    	* or object: { bundle: 'app.js' } ...
        { bundle: 'app.js' }, // Output will be: bundle.js
        	entry: {
        		// before start gulp task - you should install jquery (or other libs) by npm or bower
        		vendor: ['jquery'] 
	        output: {
	        	// By default: `/${config.js.outputFolder}/` - (/js/)
            		publicPath: `/assets/${config.js.outputFolder}/` // Browser output path: /assets/js/
        * Global variables for vendor libs
        * No need to require jquery in all your modules
            $: 'jquery',
            jQuery: 'jquery',
            'window.jQuery': 'jquery'

Things to do:

  • Implement HMR
  • Isolate inner configuration from mutation


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)