

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic Tac Toe Javascript

DOM Tree


This week, we have been learning about writing functions, working with loops, and writing conditionals. We also learned about how HTML elements are styled and behave in the DOM.

For this lab, you'll be building a tic tac toe game again, this time in HTML, CSS, and pure JavaScript, that can run in your browser!

You can use your code from last time if you like, but take a good hard look at it and see what can improve.

Can your code be:

  • more readable?
  • more logical?
  • more elegant/ cleaner/ prettier?
  • more modular and reusable?



  • A user should be able to click on different squares to make a move
  • Every click will alternate between marking an X and O
  • Upon marking of an individual cell, use JavaScript to add a class to each cell to display separate colors
  • A cell should not be able to be replayed once marked
  • Add a reset button that will clear the contents of the board

  • Since this is our first extended lab, here are some tips/hints to get started:

  • Construct a index.html to be your starting point on this project. Add your necessary HTML tags, including script and link tags to link to your JavaScript and CSS, respectively.

  • Before you even start working with JavaScript, construct the gameboard. The gameboard page should include the 3x3 grid and at minimum, a reset button. Using id and class on clickable elements will help you wire this up in JavaScript afterwards.

  • JavaScript portion will be next:

    • Locate the element first to use it within your app. Think about using document.getElementById, document.getElementsByClassName or something similar to locate your target elements. Try this in your console to make sure your selection works.

    • After finding the elements, start writing logic to listen for click events on those elements

    • You will also need a variable to keep track of moves - this will be used to indicate whether or not to draw an X or an O.


  • Display a message at the beginning of the game telling X or O to go first.
  • Alert the winner if they have won three in a row
    • Hint: Determine a set of winning combinations. Check those combinations on the board contents after every move.
  • Add a scoreboard!
  • Add some basic animations using CSS animate

Starter code

There is no starter code provided for this lab.


Feel free to get creative with how you style your interface. Here are some basic examples:

Screen-shot Screen-shot Screen-shot

An Alternative UI:

Additional Resources

Self Evaluation

During the previous exercise, rate your progress on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the highest) for the following criteria:

  • Persistence: Do you handle frustration well? Do you independently pursue understanding?
  • Organization: Do you thoughtfully implement best coding patterns and practices?
  • Collaboration: Do you make an effort solve problems and share your ideas with others?
  • Communication: Do you clearly convey your thoughts to others in illustrative and clear ways?
  • Self-compassion: Do you make productive use of turning failures into learning opportunities?
  • Resourcefulness: Do make an effort to compare and contrast new ideas with ones you already know?