This package provides useful ways to ensure strong passwords via validation in Laravel 6 applications.
The provided new validations:
- alphabetic characters
- numeric characters
- mixed case characters
- symbols
- common used passwords (provided by SplashData)
composer require emiliopedrollo/laravel-secure-passwords:"~0.2"
Now Laravel's native Validator
is extended by those rules:
- has_uppercase
- has_lowercase
- has_both_cases
- has_digit
- has_letter
- has_symbol
- not_a_common_password
You can apply these rules as described in the validation section on Laravel's website
Validator::make(['password' => 'trustno1']
'password' => 'has_digit|has_letter|not_a_common_password'
)->passes(); // returns false;
[Laravel 5]
- Initial release
This package is under the MIT license. See the complete license:
Issues and feature requests are tracked on GitHub.