Mahisoft mentorship project Phase 2


The main goal of this workshop is to create a responsive web application using React.


  • Yarn as a dependency manager
  • Webpack as a module bundler
  • React as the web library
  • Javascript ES6 as the programming language
  • React-Router React-Router v4 for routing
  • Sass Scss for styling components. (Even though css is supported, is preferred to use sass)
  • Mocha as test runner
  • Enzyme as the test suite
  • Eslint for linting javascript files
  • Stylelint for linting styles files

Setup instructions

  1. yarn install This will install all the dependencies from yarn.lock file.
  2. yarn start This will fire up webpack and a little server on port 8080 using webpack-dev-server
  3. yarn build This will create a production bundle (under construction)

Useful scripts

  1. yarn test This will lint your files and then run unit testing on the project
  2. yarn test:unit This runs only unit testing for the project
  3. yarn lint This will check for linting errors on js | jsx files
  4. yarn lint:styles This will lint only style files


  • Improve construction build

Known Issues