
Plugin for creating JRuby-based java archives

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Plugin for creating JRuby-based java archives


This plugin requires Gradle 2.0 or better.


To add the plugin to your project

buildscript {
  repositories {

    dependencies {
      classpath group: 'com.github.jruby-gradle', name: 'jruby-gradle-jar-plugin', version: '0.1.1'
      classpath group: 'com.github.jruby-gradle', name: 'jruby-gradle-plugin', version: '0.1.+'

apply plugin: 'com.github.jruby-gradle.jar'

Implicit loaded plugins

This loads the following plugins if they are not already loaded:

  • com.github.jrubygradle.base
  • java-base
  • com.github.johnrengelman.shadow

Using the plugin

This plugin does not add any new tasks or extensions, extends the Jar task type with a jruby closure. If the java plugin is loaded, then the jar task can also be configured.

apply plugin: 'java'

jar {
  jruby {

    // Use the default GEM installation directory

    // Add this GEM installation directory to the JAR.
    // Can be called more than once for additional directories
    gemDir '/path/to/my/gemDir'

    // Equivalent to calling defaultGems()
    defaults 'gem'


  // All other JAR methods and properties are still valid

task myJar (type :Jar) {
  jruby {
    // As above

  // All other JAR methods and properties are still valid

Controlling the Ruby entry point script

If nothing is specified, then the bootstrap will look for a Ruby script META-INF/jar-bootstrap.rb. It is also possible to set the entry script. This must be specified relative to the root of the created JAR.

NOTE: There is currently a known issue with rebuilding a shadowJar when using the initScript setting. If you change the setting, you will need to execute the clean task and rebuild for it to take effect.

jrubyJavaBootstrap {
    jruby {
        initScript = 'bin/asciidoctor'

It is the user's responsibility to ensure that entry point script is created and added to the JAR, be it META-INF/jar-bootstrap.rb or another specified script.

Executable JARs

Please note that executable JARs are still an incubating feature.

Executable JARs are indirectly supported via the Gradle Shadow Jar plugin.

Configuring Shadow JAR

Configuration is exactly the same as for a normal JAR class.

shadowJar {
   jruby {

     // Use the default bootstrap class

     // Make the JAR executable by supplying your own main class
     mainClass 'my.own.main'

     // Equivalent to calling defaultMainClass()
     defaults 'gems', 'mainClass'


See Shadow JAR README for configuration specifics. In a similar fashion to the jar task, the shadowJar task will make use of the jrubyJavaBootstrap task to create and compile a basic bootstrap class.