
A REST API to handle authentication in Nodejs. (Using JWT tokens)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sample JWT authentication structure

Hello all, This REST API is a simple way of handling authentication using JWT tokens. Keep reading for more details 👇. Cheers!

To get this project up and running

git clone https://github.com/emilsharier/jwt-auth
npm install

NOTE! If you're running the project in dev mode, make sure you create a .env file which would consist of the following

SECRET=<Some secret private key>

Dev mode

npm run dev


npm start

npm modules I used

express (To handle all HTTP requets and responses)
jsonwebtoken (Middleware to validate and verify JWT tokens)
bcrypt (For enrypting and hashing the password using a private key)
morgan (Logging middleware)
sequelize (An ORM so that you can implement the database of your choice)
pg (In my case I decided to use PostgreSQL)

Request endpoints

POST methods

  1. /signup

Request body

The request body should contain the following details. You can choose to pass them as x-www-form-urlencoded parameters.

  • email
  • password
  • name
  • phone


The response can be either of the three status codes

  • 200 - OK (Registration successful)
  • 401 - Unrecognized error (Mostly database/internal error)
  • 403 - Email already exists
  1. /signin

Request body

The request body should contain the following details. You can choose to pass them as x-www-form-urlencoded parameters.

  • email
  • password


The response can be eithre of the three status codes

  • 200 - OK (The response body would contain the access token that the client can store and later use to send requests)
  • 403 - Error (When the user is not registered or when the access token isn't attached on the request header)
  • 401 - Unauthorized (Wrong password)


Sign up

Sign up

Sign in

Sign in


All Pull requests and issues are welcome. If you feel something's wrong fork and issue a PR or just put up a new issue!
