
Searching by Date

f2prateek opened this issue · 7 comments

Is sprinkles able to search by date?

Updating the sample app:

Query.many(Note.class,  "select Notes.*, " +
    "(select count(*) from NoteTagLinks where NoteTagLinks.note_id = Notes.id) as tag_count " +
    "from Notes where created_at = ?", new Date());

This never returns any entries.

No, but this should definitely be added! Expect it to be possible in the next release ;)

currently in master ;)

On 22 Feb 2014 11:10, "Emil Sjölander" notifications@github.com wrote:

currently in master ;)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com//issues/50#issuecomment-35809607

Will you be making snapshot releases? Trying to add submodules with gradle is kind of a pain

I'm currently waiting for another issue to make a release, you could just install master to your local maven repo in the meantime

Hmm... './gradlew :library:install' fails. That would be the correct command right?

Not sure tbh. I just made a release though so you should see the new version in maven central in the next couple of hours 👍