emily91418's Stars
the rules, tips, and tricks I've learned on how to approach tech internships
ContentCenter is a Java framework for the content of applications. It includes Mson to support JSON data to access database, and includes MagicStringHider to hide your data that are stored in the database. The database used in ContentCenter is SQLite, but programmers don't have to write any SQL to access it. ContentCenter also supports observers to refresh your views when the corresponding data are changed, and supports syncs to synchronize data between client and server. ContentCenter uses sqlite-jdbc and SQLDroid JDBC drivers to access SQLite on PC(Linux, Mac OS X, Windows...) and Android.
MagicCrypt is a Java/PHP/NodeJS/Rust library to encrypt/decrpyt strings, files, or data, using Data Encryption Standard(DES) or Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) algorithms. It supports CBC block cipher mode, PKCS5 padding and 64, 128, 192 or 256-bits key length. If the encrypted data is a string, it will be formatted automatically to Base64.
StringHiderFrame is a JavaFX application, which uses MagicStringHider to hide any string by converting it into another string composed of A-Z characters.
Mson (also called MagicLenJSON) is a Java library which includes Gson library and json.org library to do some json-related operations. My goal is to convert JSON data format easily among JSON formatted strings, any objects, and XML data formats.
MagicSort is a Java library used for sorting any object array by using iterative quick sort and selection sort when the array size is small. Moreover, it provides some useful built-in comparators for sorting strings and files. It can sort files by file types, but when the file types are the same, sort them by their file names.
MagicCommand is a Java library which is used for running any programs by commands.
GuessNumber is a guess-the-number(1A2B) puzzle game implemented in Java. It's a very simple implementation, which only has command line interface. In other words, it's a text-based game.
TakeGhostCard is a Joker Poker game implemented in Java. It's a very simple implementation, which only has command line interface. In other words, it's a text-based game. But actually, it is not very simple to play, because Player in this game can be allowed to do some cheating tricks.
RomanNumerals is a simple Roman Numerals conversion program implemented in Java. It's a very simple implementation, which only has command line interface.
PageFaultAlgorithm is a Java program which can simulates memory page replacement. It's a very simple implementation, which only has command line interface.
MsonFrame is a JavaFX application, which used Mson to convert JSON formatted strings to XML formatted strings, and to convert XML formatted strings back to SON formatted strings. More over, if you think your JSON formatted strings is not instinctive, you can use this application to help you format the strings with a pretty form.
Chinese Calendar Converter is a JavaFX application, which uses Java Chinese Calendar to convert date between Gregorian calendar(also called Western calendar) and Chinese calendar in a fast way.
AutoURL is a JavaFX application, which can help you convert many pure URLs into HTML form with <a></a> elements.
PlayingCardFX is a JavaFX application, which uses native canvas to draw playing cards programmatically. If you want to implement some card games, you can check out this application to help you do that.
MagicURLNetwork is a Java library which includes Mson to support JSON data transfer through networks. To make an URL connection, you only need to know what you want to do and choose an appropriate request method(GET, POST, PUT, HEAD...). You don't need to understand how HTTP, HTTPS and FTP work, and don't need to use any streaming library by yourself, too. You can easily implement a RESTful client program or file uploading/downloading program with this library.
JDK with full documents, samples and JCE.
MagicLocationChecker is a Java library which can compute the area of a polygonal region on the (geocentric) coordinates, and compute the distance between two vertices or between a polygonal region and a vertex. It can also check whether a vertex is in a polygonal region or not. It uses GeographicLib library to compute the area of geocentric polygonal regions.
Modified FFmpeg for MagicLen Applications
Chromium Downloader FX is a JavaFX application, which uses MagicURLNetwork to get the latest version number of Chromium and download it in a fast way.
Now, you can edit audios and videos by using Command Line Interface for FFmpeg.
Java Chinese Calendar is a Java library of Chinese (lunar) calendar. It can convert date between Gregorian calendar(also called Western calendar) and Chinese calendar. Also, it can compute the weight of Ba Zi(八字).
MagicStringHider is a Java library which is used for hiding any string by converting it into another string composed of A-Z characters. The hidden string is not unique. One original string can be converted to different strings. but they can be recovered to the same original string. You can create your hidden string by adding any key to protect it from someone who has MagicStringHider library, too.
An extensible iOS and OS X animation library, useful for physics-based interactions.