Censys Search Resources

Head to Censys Search to try out some of the searches below.

We provide 10 free queries a day to unregistered users. Register for a free account and get 250 queries per month, along with API access.

Search Snippets 🔎

Services in a specific location:
services.service_name: MODBUS and location.country:Germany

Use the same_service operator to find services running on a specific port:
same_service(services.service_name:HTTP and services.port:1337)

Exclude pseudoservices (e.g., honeypots) from results by appending services.truncated:false to your search query:
services.service_name:HTTP and services.truncated:false

Non-standard services running on common ports:
same_service(services.port:{80,22,21} and not services.service_name:{HTTP,SSH,FTP,UNKNOWN}) and services.truncated:false

Hacked MikroTik routers:
services.service_name:MIKROTIK_BW and "hacked"

Internet-exposed printers:

Some additional sample queries:
set one
set two

Threat Hunting / Investigative Blogs 🕵️

Threat Tracking Dashboards 👁‍🗨

The Censys Research team has published several dashboards to track vulnerabilities (or software that's seen several recent vulnerabilities) over time.