
Setting up a project with Cloud functions for firebase + Google Apps Script

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Google app

Making a simple app with Google Apps script (GAPPS), Firebase and a call to a third party API.

This project demonstrates one way to set up a project with the above setup. I'll be using it as a boilerplate for future projects.

Setting up Firebase

To get stated, I followed the instructions here, but simplified the example function to omit any database functionality.

exports.displayText = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) =>

My really simple function displayText can be found in /functions/index.js.

I've added the auto-generated .firebaserc file to a .gitignore.

I test this function by first running firebase deploy. The URL for my function is printed to the console. In order to see the result, I can append ?text=emilyb7 to the end of the URL.

Setting up Apps script

I followed these steps for getting up and running with Google Apps script.

  • Go to the dashboard for my project in the Google Developer Console
  • Click on 'Enable APIs and services', search for the Google Drive API and make sure it is enabled
  • Go to 'Credentials' (check the lefthand menu of the console) and create new credentials for OAuth2
  • Download the newly created credentials in json format (location of file is irrelevant, but I put mine in my root folder and added secret.json to my .gitignore)
  • Return to the NPM docs and follow the points in step 2
  • Create a new standalone script
  • Move onto step 3 in the NPM docs ("initialize your project")
  • After running gapps init check that a /src directory has been created in your project's root. This is where you can write your google-apps-side code.

I've added the auto-generated gapps.config.json file to my .gitignore because I like to keep code separate from config but this is a preference rather than a security issue.

Watch files

It's annoying to have to run gapps upload after every small change. So I've installed npm-watch and added the following config to my package.json:

"watch": {
  "update": {
    "patterns": "src"

As well as two new scripts like this:

"scripts": {
  "update": "gapps upload",
  "watch": "npm-watch update"


I've set up a spreadsheet with 2 columns. I've entered just 2 column name: 'post code' and 'constituency'. My plan is to manually populate the post code column with UK post codes. My app will automatically return the political constituency using the postcodes.io API.


Apps script

I've created a new folder in my root directory, /scripts.

  • scripts/index.js contains the main body of the script that I wish to execute
  • scripts/config.js contains a few variable declarations that are very much just config and specific to my app.

For reference, my config.js file currently looks like this:


To start with, I'm making a very simple GET request to the displayText function that currently lives in Firebase.

function myFunction() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SHEET_ID);
  var s1 = ss.getSheetByName(SHEET_NAME);
  var rows = ss.getLastRow();
  var data = s1.getRange(2, 1, rows - 1, 2).getValues();
  var code = data[0][0].toLowerCase().replace(" ", "");
  var getUrl = URL + "?text=" + code;
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(getUrl, {
    method: "get"

This will log the first entry in the post codes column to the Google Apps Script console (in the scripts UI). Via Firebase. A ridiculously complicated way of doing something very simple.

Let's do something better.

Updating the live script

Now my scripts are in /scripts but the gapps upload command looks for files in /src.

I've added a utility function scripts.js which concatenates both config.js and index.js and outputs them to /src/Code.js. And I've also amended my watch script so that NPM is watching the files in my scripts folder. src/Code.js is no longer in source control, as we don't need it.

So my NPM scripts now look like this:

"update": "node lib/scripts && gapps upload",
"watch": "npm-watch update"

Functions and tests

I've added a new postcode function and deployed it to firebase.

I've also written some tests for my functions and endpoints using the tape module. Tests are in /tests.

Things to note: any NPM modules that need to be used by firebase need to be added as dependencies in functions/package.json.

Testing the app

I've updated my script now so that it calls the /postcode function and outputs the results to my spreadsheet.

I can test it by running the script from the Google Scripts UI and checking the results in the spreadsheet.

Things to do:

  • Firebase app setup
  • GAPPS project setup
  • Create script that makes request to Firebase
  • Figure out how to authenticate requests to Firebase
  • Make the app do something