This is a Refactoring Kata based on the rules of Tennis
- 2
- 0
GTest translation for C is not very good
#107 opened by emilybache - 4
Test in typescript project are not working
#76 opened by ZorbaDimatteo - 3
CS Tests dont run
#77 opened by H-clewer - 1
Sugerencia code Smell Primitive Obsession
#54 opened by KellyVaque - 1
Sugerencia para code smell Switch Case
#53 opened by KellyVaque - 1
Sugerencia code smell Speculative Generality
#55 opened by KellyVaque - 2
Player names hardwired
#40 opened by novellizator - 1
Broken link to this kata from your site
#29 opened by gsaslis - 1
C#: Improve the out-of-the-box-experience
#23 opened by paulroho - 6
The cyber-dojo links do not work...
#15 opened by jorgearanda - 3
Introductory text is not helpful
#14 opened by koeckera - 7
Java: use build management tool
#9 opened by UrsMetz