
Work for the CM Bootstrap theme and companion modules

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#CM-Bootstrap ###Work for the CM Bootstrap theme and companion modules

######This documentation is a work in progress.

Download the “modules” and the “themes” folders. From the module folder, drag everything inside to your sites/all/modules folder. From the theme folder, drag everything inside to your sites/all/themes folder. Upload to your site. Then follow the steps below.

  1. Modules

    1. Contrib Modules: enable these modules (download from drupal.org project pages)

      • admin_menu
      • bundle_copy
      • color_field
      • devel
      • menu_attributes
      • menu_block
      • module_filter
      • node_clone
      • rabbit_hole
      • flag
      • blog
      • hms field
    2. Custom Modules: enable these modules (most of these should be under the “CM Bootstrap” group)

      • custom_block
      • custom_form
      • custom_front_pg_slider
      • custom_video_lists
      • media_cloudcast_feed_fix (if using media cloudcast)
      • site_cp
      • site_wrapper
      • community_features
      • media cloudcast chapters field (if using)
      • media cloudcast chapters (if using)
    3. Run the media cloudcast chapter importer if applicable so you have some chapters to see (this is not set up for cm agenda yet, or youtube chapters -- youtube chapters is covered in development but cm agenda addition is not yet covered).

    4. Imagecache Images: You will then need to create a few imagecache image styles (this will soon be added to the modules):

      • front_pg_slider_1440_x_720 - set to Scale and Crop 1440x720
      • 250x150 - set to Scale and Crop 250x150
      • 500x281 - set to scale and crop 500x281.
    5. Fix Broken Thumbnails: Then an optional step that you may need to run later if you are seeing broken thumbnails (after you start enabling blocks), you will then need to fix legacy cloudcast images if you use cloudcast images. This only will need to happen once and you should only do it as an administrator user/1. Go to /cp/cloudcast-legacy and type “GENERATE” in the box. This may take a long time to run depending on how many cloudcast shows you have, be patient and do not leave the page. When it finishes you will see loads of errors, but don’t worry, be happy. Just ignore them. You may not have to run this, but if you are seeing broken thumbnails after you start enabling blocks, you might need to run it.

    6. Sync up your content types: You will need bundle copy for this. pretty sure bundle copy only adds new fields - won’t delete existing fields, but hasn’t been double checked. There may be some issues you’ll need to adjust if your fields are not named the same thing as the fields this theme is built for. This is a big chunk of development that will need funding if there are to be generic fields. The included file called “bundles.txt” gives you the following content types (or adds to your existing ones):

      • archive (content type)
      • archive (node reference)
      • blog
      • cm_project (with additional fields used in theme)
      • cm_show (with additional fields used in theme)
      • color scheme
      • custom video list
      • genre
      • basic page
      • partner
      • slider
      • video grid

    Important note: for the content types you already have, you might just want to look through bundles.txt for the fields you need. A lot of them are not necessary for the theme. Mainly just the media field and description field on cm_show, and then the image field and description on cm_project. If you are having trouble with that import, you can try to just import the “bundles-minimal.txt” which does not include the show and project content type.

    1. Add Content: Let’s add some custom video lists and some video grids so we have content to work with. A custom video list is just a custom “carousel” of videos of your choosing that you can then add to any page / show / project on your site. There are also automatic custom video lists (things like “shows in this series” that automatically display on a show page and a series page), but you can also add your own custom video lists that are collections of any videos you want. Custom video lists display horizontally.

      1. Custom Video List

        • Go to node/add/custom-video-list
        • Give this custom video list a title “Best Videos Ever”
        • Give it a description “Clearly the best videos on Earth!”
        • Now in the “show/series to highlight” field you just start auto referencing either shows or series (projects).

        Note: you only want to include series/projects IF you have uploaded an image to represent your project to the “series image” field that was added in step 1.4. This just makes it so you could link to a series page from a series thumbnail in a custom video list. If you don’t want to do this, don’t! Just add shows to your custom video list because those have automatic thumbnails.

      2. Video Grid: Now let’s add a video grid. Video grids are like custom video lists, but they display in a grid. You must create at least 3 video grid pieces of content before you can use the video grid.

        • Go to node/add/video-grid
        • Give what will be one column of a video grid a title “Staff favorites” and heading “All of our best picks”
        • Associate three shows with this grid (you can only do 3 shows in each column)
        • Repeat these steps two more times (create at least two more of these)
    2. Now let’s create the homepage of your site.

      • Create front pg node (basic pg).
      • You don’t need to put anything in the description/body field.
      • On the “custom video list” field, select the custom video list you just made.
      • On the “video grids” field, select THREE (you MUST always select three grids, only three grids, and never more than three grids because technically these are columns that make up the full grid)
      • Set default front pg to this node: admin/config/system/site-information
    3. If you are going to want a large slider on your homepage, you’ll also need to add some sliders.

      • go to node/add/slider
      • fill out the title, image, slider reference fields.
  2. Themes: enable these themes:

    1. Contrib Themes

      • bootstrap (enable)
    2. Custom Themes

      • CM Bootstap (enable and set as default)
    3. Themes Configuration

      • base theme: bootstrap
      • default theme: CM Bootstrap
  3. Blocks: Go to admin/structure/block and enable the following with the settings included:

    1. custom_front_pg_slider: Front Pg Jumbotron
      • Region: Above Content
      • visibility: <front>
    2. custom_block: Video Grid
      • region: Below content
      • visibility: no restrictions
    3. Front Pg Latest Shows Carousel
      • region: below Content
      • visibility: <front>
    4. custom_block: cb_custom_video_lists_front
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: <front>
    5. custom_block: Partners Carousel
      • region: below content
      • visibility: partners (Content Type)
      • You will need to create a basic page and title it “Partners”. You will then also need to use the partner content type. The partner content type is used at RETN in order to allow an organization to be associated with a bunch of series. So for instance, maybe the “Town of Hinesburg” is a partner. And they are associated with the series “Hinesburg Select Board” and “Hinesburg School Board” and “Arts Walk”. To do this, you first create the partner node/add/partner and fill out the fields. Then you can associate this partner with an entire series/project OR you can associate it with a one-off show. Go to a series or show and look for the field called “partner” and associate that partner.
    6. custom_block: Genres Carousel
      • region: content
      • visibility: genres (Add only to this path)
      • You will need to create a basic page and title it “Genres”. You will then also need to use the genre content type. This is a way to use topics or genres and have shows display in carousels for that genre/topic. Add a genre node/add/genre called “Arts & Performance”. Now go to a bunch of shows and look for the genres field and associate them with the Arts & Performance genre. You will see things start to autopopulate in the genre video carousels and on your genre page.
    7. custom_video_lists: Block "Show" TPL Series Carousel
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: show/* (Add only to this path)
    8. custom_block: Partner Detail Pg -- Partners Carousel [Show + Series]
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: partner (content type)
    9. custom_block: Partner Detail Pg -- All Series Carousel * region: Below Content * visibility: partner (content type)
    10. custom_block: cb_custom_video_lists
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: Optional
    11. custom_block: Genres Show Series Carousel
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: genre (content type)
    12. custom_video_lists: Block Series Carousel
      • region: Below Content
      • visibility: cm_project (content type)
    13. custom_block: Show Node Meta Data
      • region: Below Content (Fixed Width)
      • visibility: cm_show content type
    14. custom_block: Show Right Sidebar
      • region: Secondary
      • visibility: cm_show (content type)
    15. Logo
      1. Site Logo [Site Wrapper]
        • region: Below Navigation
        • visibility: no restriction
  4. Site wide STUFF

    1. Navigation Menu
      1. Create new Menu with unique name (limit this to 3 items because otherwise it will go to double lines on mobile...the purpose of a slide out menu is to use the slide out area for you main items! just put a key item like “donate” in this menu to show up at all times)
      2. Create Menu Block for Menu (+ Add Menu Block on Blocks page)
      3. Put newly created block in 'Navigation' Region
    2. jPanel Menus & Search
      1. Create as many menus as you would like to put in the jPanel region. These can be multi tiered menus.
      2. Create Menu Block for each Menu created in 4.2.1
      3. Put search form block in jPanel region.
  5. Footer

    1. Menus
      • Create menus for footer (you MUST have parent item as top level and then indent child items and make sure “show as expanded” is checked on the parent item, otherwise your child items won’t show up). There is space for 6 menus.
      • Create menu blocks for each footer menu.
      • Put menu blocks in “footer” region.
    2. Social media icons
      • Create menu named 'Social Media'
      • Use Social Media Network name (all lowercase: ie. facebook) for the menu item's class. This will allow the icon to display.
      • custom_block: Social Media Menu: put in “below footer” region
      • custom_block: Social Media Menu 2: this is just a copy of the first menu that allows you to place a second set of icons in another region
  6. Colors

    • requires custom modules: custom_form and site_cp
    • configure colors at cp/colors (and give permission to access this on permissions page)
  7. Community Features

    1. Enable module under 'other' if not already enabled
    2. Clear Caches to ensure menus are rebuilt
    3. For community members, update the page that users are directed to when they login to user/feed. There are multiple ways to do this depending on the structure of the site. See https://www.drupal.org/node/683696 for details.
    4. Create user profile menu - These can be customized to fit your site.
      • My Feed user/feed
      • My Profile user
      • My Videos my-videos
      • Add menu block for the menu you just created
      • region: Above Content
      • visibility: user/* (Only the listed pages)
    5. Create menu for profile sidebar
      • Add Series node/add/cm-series
      • Add Show node/add/cm-show
      • Add menu block for the sidebar menu
      • region: Sidebar
      • visibility: user/*