
Re-creating Guardian News React: https://github.com/emilyjspencer/Guardian-News-React but using Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Re-creating Guardian News React: https://github.com/emilyjspencer/Guardian-News-React but using Angular


Guardian News

For our Week 7 weekend challenge at Makers Academy, we were asked to create a single page application, using vanilla JavaScript, the Guardian API and our own testing frameworks.

I re-created this application using React. I then re-created it using Angular.

The ten most recent news stories are pulled in from the Guardian API as links and rendered on the page, with their title and date of publication. These links are clickable. Clicking on them takes the user to the new story on the Guardian's website.

How to run:

  • Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/emilyjspencer/Guardian-News-Angular.git
  • Navigate into the repository:
cd Guardian-News-Angular
  • Enter the following into the command line to install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Enter the following to start the application, which will open automatically in the browser at localhost:4200:
ng serve

Navigate to localhost:4200

Built with:

  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • SCSS
  • Guardian API
  • Angular HTTPClient

What it looks like:



  • Use graphQL
  • Fetch and display news by 'area'
  • Make responsive


Deployed with Surge: https://dapper-distribution.surge.sh/