
interpreted, object-oriented programming language

Primary LanguageJava


Author: Emily Huynh

Host Language: Java

Designer Programming Language Project

The University of Alabama

CS 403

Spring 2016

##Getting Started

Macchiato files are suffixed with the .macch file extension. To run a .macch file, use the command macch filename.macch.

##Test Problem

The source code for the one-bit full adder problem is in wire.macch. To change the inputs for in0, in1, and c-in, change the values on lines 367-369.

Run the test problem using the command make run-problem. Results of carry and out0 will be printed to the console.

##Language Details

Macchiato is object-oriented. Below are details on the semantics of the Macchiato programming language.


  • Curly braces { } are required for all code blocks
  • All statements end in a semicolon ;
  • All numerics (integers and reals) are preceded with a dollar sign $
  • Null/nil values are denoted with the empty keyword
  • Objects are created using the mug keyword


Macchiato provides three different commenting options.

#####Single line comments

&& This is a single line comment.

#####Block comments

    This is a block comment.

#####End of file comments

    This will comment to the end of the file.


Defining and functions and initializing variables is done using the brew keyword. Existing variables can be redefined without using brew.

Example Function Definition:

brew func[param1, param2] {
    steamln["params are ", param1, " ", param2];

&& call the function
func["one", "two"];

Example Variable Definition:

brew var : $1;

var : $2;


Macchiato provides a basic set of operators:


  • plus +
  • minus -
  • multiply *
  • divide /
  • exponentiation ^
  • modulus %


  • equal to =
  • not equal to ~=
  • greater than >
  • greater than or equal to >=
  • less than <
  • less than or equal to <=


  • logical not ~
  • negative -

Short Circuiting:

  • logical and and
  • logical or or


  • assign :


Macchiato does not currently support precedence. Parenthesized expressions can be used in place of built in precedence.

##Object Orientation

Objects are defined using the mug keyword.

##Builtin Functions

####steam and steamln

Macchiato provides two builtin printing functions. Each take in a variable number of arguments. The code block

steam["string one", $1]
steamln["string two", $2]

will yield the following:

string one1
string two

##Arrays ####Defining Arrays

Arrays are defined like all other variables.

brew arr : |[$1, "string item 2", $3]|;

####Accessing Arrays

Arrays use zero-based indexing, and access to each element is constant.

brew firstItem : arr|[$0]|;


####Defining Lambdas

Lambdas are defined using the latte keyword. Lambdas are considered primaries in the Macchiato programming language. All statements inside the lambda block must end in a semicolon ;. If a lambda is defined within a function, it must end in a semicolon ;.

brew lambda : latte[param1, param2] { steamln[param1, " ", param2]; };

brew lambdaFunc[] {
    latte [x] {

####Calling Lambdas

The ID of the variable holding the lambda must be wrapped in parentheses () in order to be called.

brew lambda : latte[param1, param2] { steamln[param1, " ", param2]; };

brew lambdaFunc[] {
    latte [x] {

(lambda)[arg1, arg2];