Candidate Task: Fizz Buzz

This repository includes a number of smaller tasks related to the classic Fizz Buzz programming test.

Each task includes the simple goal of creating a Fizz Buzz application which given 2 inputs, a start and an end, outputs a list of strings.

The program must iterate from the starting integer to the ending integer (inclusive) and output a string of "Fizz", "Buzz" or "FizzBuzz" based on if the current value is evenly divisable by 3, 5, or both.

E.g. Given the value of 9, the program would output "Fizz", given 10, the program would output "Buzz", and given 15 the program would output "FizzBuzz".


There are a number of variants of this task, these are in 3 categories:

  1. Backend
  2. Frontend
  3. Decoupled (frontend and backend)

You will see each number at the start of each subdirectory of this repository.

If you're doing one of the decoupled tasks it is recommended that you work on the one which is in a language you are least familiar with. E.g. If you've only ever worked in node, maybe try the PHP or Go tasks.