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✈️ World traveller 🤝 Team player 💖 Care giver 💻 Innovative Software Engineer

💬 Hey, <𝚌𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜/>

I'm currently pursuing Master of Computing and Innovation at the University of Adelaide.

I'm passionate about technologies. I love exploring and learn programming online, and developing ⭐fun projects to gain some hands-on experiences.
Welcome to check out my recent works on GitHub.

Happy Coding!!


💡 Skills and Tools

  • Ability of Java, C#, C++, Javascript, Python, Ruby programming
  • Front-end development using HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap
  • Modern Framework using Angular, React, Redux, .NET
  • Mobile App Development Ionic
  • Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms
  • Known to database languages like SQL, MySQL, MongoDB
  • Develop and deliver applications with Agile / Scrum framework
  • Design Tools Figma, Axure, Photoshop
  • Data Visualisation with Tableau

📝 Languages and Projects:

Connect with me

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