
Chart showing how rising tuition and stagnant HOPE payouts will affect how much Georgia students pay for college in the years to come.

Primary LanguagePython


hopepayouts.html is the version we are using on the live site. hopepayouts_stacked.html uses flot.js's stacking plugin to create stacked area charts - I like this approach with this data set but it would have needed more instructions and probably a toggle between it and the line chart view and I didn't have time to do that.

Wanted to do this with d3 but had trouble accessing nested objects in the json - probably just need to structure the json differently rather than figure out the nesting. There are a bunch of parsers and their results in the data folder, but all of the data actually being used by the interactive is in the .html file.

This ran 9/8/13 along with this story: http://www.myajc.com/news/news/state-regional-govt-politics/at-20-hope-enters-era-of-uncertainty/nZngx/