
A password manager API.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


19th project project at Driven Education.

A password manager API.


🧑🏻‍🏭 Working Flow

  1. User creates a login (name, email, password).

  2. User logs in and receives a token.

  3. User creates a register using one of the categories (credentials/networks/cards/notes).

  4. User can access the register according to the category, either searching all or one in specific.


🚀 Routes

User Registration

POST /sign-up

Send a request body in this format:

    name: Fulano,
    email: fulano@gmail.com,
    password: 1234567890,
    checkPassword: 1234567890

User Login

POST /sign-in

Send a request body in this format

    email: fulano@gmail.com,
    password: 1234567890

The server will respond with an object in this format:

    token: jyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9

Credential Creation

POST /credentials

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token, and a Request Body in this format:

  "title": "twitter"
  "url": "https://mobile.twitter.com/" , 
  "username": "twitterUser", 
  "password": "twitterPassword"

Get User Credentials

GET /credentials

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

The server will respond with an array in this format:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "twitter"
    "url": "https://mobile.twitter.com/" , 
    "username": "twitterUser", 
    "password": "twitterPassword"

Get Credential By Id

GET /credentials/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with an object in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "twitter"
  "url": "https://mobile.twitter.com/" , 
  "username": "twitterUser", 
  "password": "twitterPassword"

Delete Credential

DELETE /credentials/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with status 200 if the request is successful.

Network Creation

POST /networks

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token, and a Request Body in this format:

  "title": "neighbor's wifi"
  "networkName": "5g-Net" , 
  "password": "neighborPassword"

Get User Networks

GET /networks

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

The server will respond with an array in this format:

   "id": 1,
   "title": "neighbor's wifi"
   "networkName": "5g-Net" , 
   "password": "neighborPassword"

Get Network By Id

GET /networks/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with an object in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "neighbor's wifi"
  "networkName": "5g-Net" , 
  "password": "neighborPassword"

Delete Network

DELETE /networks/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with status 200 if the request is successful.

Card Creation

POST /cards

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token, and a Request Body in this format, with the type field valid for "debit", "credit" and "both":

  "number": "1234567892345678",
  "title": "card to buy snacks",
  "holderName": "Fulano S Oliveira",
  "securityCode": "123",
  "expirationDate": "04/21",
  "password": "passwordCard",
  "isVirtual": true,
  "type": "debit"

Get User Cards

GET /cards

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

The server will respond with an array in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "number": "1234567892345678",
  "title": "card to buy snacks",
  "holderName": "Fulano S Oliveira",
  "securityCode": "123",
  "expirationDate": "04/21",
  "password": "passwordCard",
  "isVirtual": true,
  "type": "debit"

Get Card By Id

GET /cards/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with an object in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "number": "1234567892345678",
  "title": "card to buy snacks",
  "holderName": "Fulano S Oliveira",
  "securityCode": "123",
  "expirationDate": "04/21",
  "password": "passwordCard",
  "isVirtual": true,
  "type": "debit"

Delete Card

DELETE /cards/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with status 200 if the request is successful.

Note Creation

POST /notes

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token, and a Request Body in this format:

  "title": "secret tought",
  "note": "I want to break the diet and eat a lot of ice cream" , 

Get User Notes

GET /notes

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

The server will respond with an array in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "secret tought",
  "note": "I want to break the diet and eat a lot of ice cream" , 

Get Note By Id

GET /notes/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with an object in this format:

  "id": 1,
  "title": "secret tought",
  "note": "I want to break the diet and eat a lot of ice cream" , 

Delete Note

DELETE /notes/:id

Send a Authorization Header with format Bearer Token.

Replace ":id" to desired id

The server will respond with status 200 if the request is successful.

🏁 Running this project

Before starting, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Postgres, Node.js.

Besides, it's good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode.

# First, clone this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/emilynakano/drivenpass-back.git

# Acces this repository.
$ cd drivenpass-back

# Go to the '.env.example' in your code editor.
# Put your DATABASE_URL, which must be a url that follows the example: 'postgres://youruser:yourpassword@localhost:5432/yourdatabase'
# Put your PORT, which must be a port of the aplication.
# Put your JWT_SECRET_KEY, which is a key that must be a string.
# Put your CRYPT_SECRET_KEY, which is a key that must be a string.
# Finally, make a copy of '.env.example' to '.env'.
$ cp .env.example .env

# Install dependencies.
$ npm i -y

# create database with prisma.
$ npm run build
# Run the project in the developer mode.
$ npx prisma migrate dev

NOTE: There is a Thunder Client collection in this project's folder, it contains all the project routes with an example request body. To use it you will need to import it into your Thunder Client and put the url you are using.