
:world_map: interactive bitmap editor

Primary LanguageRuby

Bitmap editor

A bitmap is an M x N matrix of pixels with each element representing a colour.


This program makes use of ruby gems, such as RSpec and Rubocop (for testing and formatting, respectively). Bundler is used to install and manage these gems.

To install bundler:
gem install bundler

To install the required gems:
bundle install

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria can be found in ACs.md

Input Program

  • To run the program, a file (of any extension) must be created, which includes a series of commands for the program to execute.
  • The first command specified must create an image (e.g. I 5 5 - create a 5 x 5 image of white pixels)
  • The first character of the command is a capital letter, which specifies the type of command to execute.
  • Parameters of the command are separated by white spaces and they follow the command character.
  • Pixel co-ordinates are a pair of integers: a column number between 1 and 250, and a row number between 1 and 250. Bitmaps starts at coordinates 1,1. Colours are specified by capital letters.

Allowed commands:

  • I M N - Create a new M x N image with all pixels coloured white (O).
  • C - Clears the table, setting all pixels to white (O).
  • L X Y C - Colours the pixel (X,Y) with colour C.
  • V X Y1 Y2 C - Draw a vertical segment of colour C in column X between rows Y1 and Y2 (inclusive).
  • H X1 X2 Y C - Draw a horizontal segment of colour C in row Y between columns X1 and X2 (inclusive).
  • S - Show the contents of the current image


Executing the program:
>bin/bitmap_editor examples/show.txt

Example input:

I 5 6
L 1 3 A
V 2 3 6 W
H 3 5 2 Z

Expected output:


To run the tests:
rspec spec/

To run Rubocop:

To run Rubocop with formatting
bundle exec rubocop --autocorrect

Areas for improvement

  • Separate class for handling user interactions e.g. UserCommsHelper
    The current program relies on receiving input from a user in file format, and outputting as a string to the terminal. However, if in future we would like to take a different approach e.g. receiving input from terminal/GUI, or outputting to a file/GUI, we should be able to do so without modifying the BitmapEditor class. This code should be somewhat modular and facilitate easy replacement of the approach to handling user interactions.

  • Tests to include error messages

  • Add CI with unit tests and formatting checks to verify successful builds each time a commit is pushed to the remote repo