
:iphone: Interactive matrix calculations app

Primary LanguageRuby

Matrix Diagonal Sum Calculator

The calculator requires two inputs from the user:

  1. Matrix size: positive integer in the range 1 - 10
  2. A series values for each row and column as floating point numbers


This program makes use of ruby gems, such as RSpec and Rubocop (for testing and formatting, respectively). Bundler is used to install and manage these gems.

To install bundler:
gem install bundler

To install the required gems:
bundle install

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria can be found in ACs.md


Executing the program:
>ruby lib/matrix_calculator.rb

User will receive a prompt:

Please input the size of N x N matrix:

At which point they must input a value e.g. 3
Then the user will receive a series of prompts (equal in number to the size of the matrix), requesting values for the matrix for each row:

Please input a series of values for the 3 x 3 matrix
Row: 0

Each of the input values must be separated by a single space. The number of values input for a row should be equal to the size of the matrix.

To run the tests:
rspec spec/

To run the formatter Run Rubocop to view inconsistencies without making changes:

Run Rubocop with formatting:
bundle exec rubocop --autocorrect

Areas for improvement

  • Tests should include error messages

  • Add CI with unit tests and formatting checks to verify successful builds each time a commit is pushed to the remote repo