
This repository contains the general guidelines for the RNCommunity org

The React Native Community

React-Native-Community (RNC) is a GitHub organization dedicated to the collaborative and community-driven long-term maintenance of React Native packages & libraries - this is also made possible by collaboration with the Facebook team in charge for the development of the framework.

We want to, through our community, define the code quality and professionalism among the members - to set an example that everyone in the broader development community should strive towards and imitate.

The primary expression of this is through code; the organization provides a place to host open source React Native packages that benefit from collective maintenance. By publishing guidelines and providing every repository with a set of default documents (e.g. code styling and licensing) we aim to make it easier for everyone involved to feel enabled to achieve their best.

Finally; we aspire to create a diverse and inclusive environment, through open-mindedness and acceptance. This environment is reflected upon and enforced via a standard Code of Conduct shared across the whole organization.