
Website for IMS-Minamitani group. Fork from bulma-clean-theme

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Website for IMS-Minamitani Group

The jekyll theme is forked from original. We thank the author! The following is original README of the theme.


Gem Version Gem

This is a clean and simple Jekyll Theme built with the Bulma framework, providing a modern-looking site to start with.

The theme uses Alpine.js for its interactive components, such as mobile navbar and notifications.



This theme requires Jekyll 3.9 to be compatible with GitHub Pages.

Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "bulma-clean-theme"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: bulma-clean-theme

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install bulma-clean-theme



Create your pages as individual Markdown files and use layout: page for normal pages. Set the page's title and subtitle in the front matter and it will appear in the hero.

Page Hero

New in 0.2 - Heros can now display a background image if you provide a hero_image: /path/to/image.jpg setting in your page front matter, or in the defaults in your site's _config.yml.

You can also set the height of the hero by providing a Bulma hero height class in your front matter, such as hero_height: is-fullwidth. If you do not provide this, it will revert to is-medium.

New in 0.5.4 - If you would like to add a call to action button in the hero then add hero_link and hero_link_text to the page's front matter.

New in 0.5.7 - If you would like to hide the hero, you can set hide_hero: true in the page's front matter.

New in 0.7.1 - If you would like to darken the hero so the title stands out more, you can set hero_darken: true in the page's front matter. You can overwrite the default background colour by setting the $hero-darken sass variable.

Table Of Contents

New in 0.5.8 - If you want to display a table of contents (toc) then add toc: true to your page's front matter. You can customise the default table of contents title by setting toc_title: My Custom Title in the page's front matter.

New in 0.10.3 - If you would prefer to display the contents in the menubar at the side of the page, then use menubar_toc: true instead of toc: true. This will also override the page's menubar setting.


If you want posts, create a _posts directory to store your posts as per normal Jekyll usage, with layout: post. Next, create a blog directory with an index.html file that has layout: blog.

Set paginate and paginate_path in your site's _config.yaml to configure the posts per page and blog pagination path.

paginate: 5
paginate_path: "/blog/page:num"

New in 0.2 - It will now display an image in the blog page if you set image: /path/to/image.jpg in your post's or page's front matter, or in the defaults in your site's _config.yml.

You can also set the height of the hero by providing a Bulma hero height class in your front matter, such as hero_height: is-fullwidth. If you do not provide this, it will revert to is-medium.

Post Excerpt and Summary

By default, the blog page and the latest posts will use the automatically generated post excerpt. If you would like to override this you can set the summary in the post's front matter.

layout: post
title: The post title
summary: |-
    This is the custom summary for the post.

    It can be in **Markdown format** if required.

Social Share Buttons

Share buttons will be displayed on your posts unless you hide them by adding hide_share_buttons: true to your config file.


For the top navigation, create a navigation.yml file in the _data directory with the following format with the pages you want to include in the top navigation. You can now also add items to a dropdown menu.

- name: Page 1
  link: /page-1/
- name: Blog
  link: /blog/
    - name: Page 2
      link: /page-2/

For the current page to have an active class, ensure the link: format matches your permalink format. The above example will work with a permalink: pretty setting in your _config.yml.

Fixed Navbar

To have a fixed navbar on the top or bottom of your site, you can set fixed_navbar: top or fixed_navbar: bottom respectively in your _config.yml.

Colours and Styles

To overwrite the primary theme colour, set a sass variable in assets/css/app.scss before importing main.

$primary: #333333;
// Import Main CSS file from theme
@import "main";

You can overwrite any of the Bulma initial variables in this way as long as they are declared before the @import "main";.

Theme Color Meta Tag

If you want to update the theme color meta tag then set theme_color: '#333333' in your _config.yml file.

Sidebar Visibility

New in 0.2 - If you want to show the sidebar with latest posts then set show_sidebar: true in the page's frontmatter, or in the defaults in your site's _config.yml.


New in 0.3 - The menubar gets its content from a data file in your site's _data directory. Simply set the name of your data file in the page's menubar setting in the frontmatter.

show_sidebar: false
menubar: example_menu

You will probably want to disable show_sidebar. Otherwise there will be little room for the page content.

Creating a menubar data file

Create a data file in the _data directory and use the following format (if using yml).

- label: Example Menu
    - name: Home
      link: /
    - name: Pages
      link: #
        - name: Page With Sidebar 
          link: /page-1/
        - name: Page Without Sidebar
          link: /page-2/
        - name: Page With Menubar
          link: /page-3/
    - name: Blog
      link: /blog/

For the current page to have an active class, ensure the link: format matches your permalink format. The above example will work with permalink: pretty setting in your _config.yml.

Multiple menus

You may make multiple menus in the same file, separated by labels.

- label: Menu Label
    - name: Example item
      link: /example-item/
- label: Second Menu Label
    - name: Parent Item
      link: /parent-item/
        - name: Sublink 
          link: /sublink/
        - name: Sublink 2
          link: /sublink2/
- label: Third Menu Label
    - name: Another example item
      link: /another-example-item/


New in 0.4 - tabs gets its content from a data file in your site's _data directory. Simply set the name of your data file in the page's menubar setting in the front matter.

title: Page with tabs
subtitle: Demo page with tabs
layout: page
show_sidebar: false
menubar: example_menu
tabs: example_tabs

Tabs can be used in conjunction with menubar and/or sidebar if you wish.

Creating a tabs data file

Create a data file in the _data directory and use the following format (if using yml).

alignment: is-left
style: is-boxed
size: is-large
  - name: Tabs
    link: /page-4/
    icon: fa-smile-wink
  - name: Sidebar
    link: /page-1/
    icon: fa-square
  - name: No Sidebar
    link: /page-2/
    icon: fa-ellipsis-v
  - name: Menubar
    link: /page-3/
    icon: fa-bars


You can control the alignment, style, and size of tabs by using the relevant Bulma tabs classes.

Active Tab Highlighting

It will automatically mark the active tab based on the current page.


You can add icons to your tab by passing in the Font Awesome icon class. If you don't wish to show icons then simply omit the option from your yaml file.


You can include a notification in a page or post using the below include. The message is required but the status defaults to 'is-warning' and the icon defaults to 'fas fa-exclamation-circle', but can be overwritten by setting the values in the includes. The message can also be written in Markdown format.

{% include notification.html message="This is the message for the notification" %}

Dismissible Notifications

To set a notification to be dismissible, set dismissible to 'true'

{% include notification.html
message="This notification is dismissable"
dismissable="true" %}

Iconless Notifications

Omit the icon by setting icon to 'false'

{% include notification.html
message="This notification does not have an icon."
icon="false" %}


To include a tag use the following include.

{% include tag.html tag="The tag text" %}

You can overwrite the default style (is-primary) by passing in the style in the include tag.

{% include tag.html tag="The tag text" style="is-light" %}

Google Analytics

New in 0.2 - To enable Google Analytics add google_analytics: UA-xxxxxxxx to your _config.yml replacing the UA-xxxxxxxx with your Google Analytics property.


New in 0.4.1 - To add some footer links, create a yaml file in the _data directory using the following format.

- name: Blog
  link: /blog/
- name: About
  link: /about/
- name: Privacy Policy
  link: /privacy-policy/

Then add the name of your yaml file (without the .yml extension) into the footer_menu setting in the _config.yml.

footer_menu: example_footer_menu

Hiding the footer

New in 0.5.2 - If you would like to hide the footer on a particular page then set hide_footer: true in the page's frontmatter.


New in 0.5 - Now you can add simple product pages to your site using collections.

Product pages

Start by creating a _products directory to hold your product pages and create a new page for each product, such as product1.md. In the front matter for this page you can set the standard settings, such as your title, subtitle, description (for meta-description), hero_image, as well as the additional product settings such as price, product_code, image, features, and rating.

title: Product 1 Name
subtitle: Product 1 tagline here
description: This is a product description
hero_image: /img/hero-img.jpg
product_code: ABC124
layout: product
image: https://via.placeholder.com/640x480
price: £1.99 + VAT
    - label: Great addition to any home
      icon: fa-location-arrow
    - label: Comes in a range of styles
      icon: fa-grin-stars
    - label: Available in multiple sizes
      icon: fa-fighter-jet
rating: 3

The text you write for the page content will be displayed as the product description.

Next, add the following to your _config.yml to use collections to process the product pages and output them as individual pages.

    output: true
    layout: product
    image: https://via.placeholder.com/800x600
    show_sidebar: false

You can also set default product page values here if you like, such as the layout or image.

Product Reviews

To add reviews to your product page, create a reviews directory in the _data directory and add a yaml file with the name of the product_code from the product page, for example _data/reviews/ABC124.yml. Create the reviews using the following format:

- name: Mr E Xample
  rating: 4
  title: Great product, highly recommended
  date: 2019-01-01
  avatar: https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png
  description: >
    The product worked really well. I would recommend this to most people to use. Delivery was quick and reasonable. 
    Would recommend this to my friends. 
- name: Mrs R E View
  rating: 5
  title: Nice, really liked this
  date: 2019-02-02
  description: >
    The product worked exactly as described. 

If you don't want to display an avatar image then a default user icon will be displayed. If you don't want to display a rating then omit it from the yaml file.

Product Category Page

To create a page listing your products you will need to create a product category page. Create a page, for example products.md, with the layout: product-category in the frontmatter. You can set the sort order of the products using sort: title to sort by the title, or by any setting in your product pages, such as price, rating or any custom frontmatter tags you wish to set.

title: Products
subtitle: Check out our range of products
layout: product-category
show_sidebar: false
sort: title


New in 0.5.2 - There are two new files within the includes directory called head-scripts.html and footer-scripts.html. These are empty files by default but allow you to add any additional JavaScript to your site, such as the script for AddThis share buttons, in the <head> or after the <footer> of the page.


New in 0.5.4 - You can now add callouts to a page to make a landing page style layout.

Create a callout data file

Create a data file following the below format. The style is for classes to set the background colour and sizes you would like to use of the Bulma hero container for the callouts.

New in 0.5.7 - You can set the height of the callouts in the data file, such as is-small, is-medium, or is-large. If unset it will be is-medium by default.

The items have six fields, but only the title and subtitle are required. If the icon is a brand icon, such as GitHub in the below example, set icon_brand: true.

style: is-light
height: is-medium
  - title: Example callout 1
    subtitle: Example subtitle 1
    icon: fa-github
    icon_brand: true
    description: >
      The example description text goes here and can be multiple lines.

      For example, such as this. 
    call_to_action_name: Call to action 1
    call_to_action_link: /page-1/

Set the callouts in the frontmatter

To display the callouts on your page, add a callouts property in the frontmatter and set it to the name of your data file without the extension.

layout: page
title: Example Landing Page
subtitle: This is an example landing page
callouts: example_callouts


The default favicon path is {{ site.baseurl }}/favicon.png but you can overwrite it in the site's _config.yml like this favicon: /path/to/favicon.png


Showcases allow you to display your work to others using a simple layout.

Creating A Showcase Datafile

Create a datafile in your site's _data directory in the following format. Subtitle, features and tags are not required.

The description text accepts Markdown and is run through the markdownify filter on the page.

The image_ratio will default to is-16by9 if it is not defined and accepts the Bulma image classes.

To display GitHub Stars, Forks, and Watchers badges, add your GitHub user and repo name to the github setting, such as chrisrhymes/bulma-clean-theme.

To change the default styles of the features, set features_styles. This uses the styles from bulma-block-list npm package.

intro: |-
  This is some introduction text for the showcases.
  ## Example Heading
  It can convert Markdown format

  - title: Example showcase item
    subtitle: Example subtitle
    description: |-
      This is the example description for this item that you are showcasing and has an image, title, description, tags and a link.
      - This is a feature
      - This is a feature
    features_styles: is-centered is-outlined is-primary
    image: https://via.placeholder.com/1024x788
    image_ratio: is-16by9
    link: http://www.example.com
    link_text: View example
    tags: PHP,CSS,JavaScript
    github: user/repo-name

Displaying the Showcase

Set the showcase in the page's front matter to be the name of the showcase data file without the extension. This gives you the ability to create multiple showcases to be used on different pages.

title: Showcase
subtitle: An example showcase page
layout: page
showcase: showcase_example
show_sidebar: false


Sponsor link in navbar

If you have a GitHub sponsors account set up, you can add your username to gh_sponsor in the _config.yml file and it will display a link to your profile on the right of the navbar.

gh_sponsor: chrisrhymes

Creating a Sponsors Datafile

If you would like to create a page to thank your sponsors then create a data file, such as my_sponsors.yml file with the following structure:

- tier_name: Platinum Sponsors
  size: large
  description: |-
    This is the description for the Platinum Tier
    - name: Dave McDave
      profile: https://github.com/
    - name: Sarah Lee-Cheesecake
      profile: https://github.com/
- tier_name: Gold Sponsors
  description: |-
    This is the description for the Gold Tier
    - name: Dave McDave
      profile: https://github.com/

The tier_name and description are required. The size is not required, but can be overwritten to 'large' or 'small' to increase or decrease the size of the box and the text size.

The sponsors require a name, but not a profile link.

Displaying the Sponsors

To display the sponsors on your page, set the sponsors to the filename without the extension in the page's front matter

layout: page
title: My Sponsors Page
sponsors: my_sponsors


Display a simple image gallery on a page, with image descriptions.

Create an image gallery data file

Start by creating a gallery data file using the below format, for example my_gallery.yml.

- title: Image Gallery Title
    - link: https://via.placeholder.com/800x450
      large_link: https://via.placeholder.com/1200x675
      alt: The alt text for the image
      description: |-
        The image description can be written in **Markdown** if required
      ratio: is-16by9
    - link: https://via.placeholder.com/800x600
      large_link: https://via.placeholder.com/1200x675
      alt: The alt text for the image
      description: The image description
      ratio: is-4by3
  • If a ratio is not provided it will default to 16 by 9. Use Bulma image classes to define the image ratio required.
  • The description can be plaintext or it can be Markdown if required.
  • The alt will be used as the image's alt text.
  • The large_link displays in a modal when the image is clicked.

Displaying the gallery

In your page's front matter add a gallery with the datafile's filename without the extension.

layout: page
title: My Image Gallery
gallery: my_gallery


Disqus comments are available for posts. To be able to use them, you need to set your disqus shortname in _config.yml.


Need help finding your Disqus Shortname? See this helpful post by Disqus on the matter.

Then you need to set your Jekyll environment to production:

JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build.

Comments are enabled by default. If you want to disable them, set in the front matter this setting:

comments: false


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/chrisrhymes/bulma-clean-theme. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install.

Your theme is set up just like a normal Jekyll site! To test your theme, run bundle exec jekyll serve and open your browser at http://localhost:4000. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme. Add pages, documents, data, etc. like normal to test your theme's contents. As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.