
Simple Android App with MVP Pattern built in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple App Kotlin using MVP Architecture

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Last Updated: October 02nd 2018


Welcome to an example implementation of Android Application in Kotlin with TDD. MVP is based on uncle bob's clean architecture. Details of Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob can be seen on this link

This project using MVP, Repository Pattern and RxJava2 + TDD.


TDD, in short a development environment where you write test cases first of your code first, not implementation. You can find more here.

Folder Structure

The main source folder with structure below:

  • model/ – contains models/entities that exist in the app.
  • presenter/ – contains presenter of each related view that manages events that translates into routing, inputs or output
  • repository/ – contains all business logic, API and local data managements.
  • ui/ – . contains main UI (activity and fragment) and related contract for the related view
  • widget/ – contains view that exist in the app like viewholder, custom view, and etc.


This code is built on Android Studio with minSdkVersion 19 is 19, and written in `Kotlin


Created by Eminarti Sianturi. Contact me at eminartiys@gmail.com