
Resources and best practices for Drupal

Awesome Drupal

You can find all resources about Drupal here...


Here are some modules you should have in your every project:

Here are some other awesome special modules for specific purposes

  • Fivestar - Rating module for Drupal 6, Drupal 7
  • Quiz - Quiz module for Drupal 6, Drupal 7


Great tools for drupal:

  • Drush - A command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal


Distributions for your special needs:

  • Acquia Drupal - Distribution of the open source Drupal social publishing system
  • Commerce Kickstart - Ecommerce distribution running with Drupal commerce module
  • Julio - A distribution for Schools, School Districts, and University Departments
  • Open Deals - Deals site distribution based on Drupal 7
  • Open Hotel - Create a full featured Hotel site with online booking and online availability
  • Recruiter - Distribution for building Drupal based e-recruitment platforms
  • Restaurant - Everything you need to kickstart your restaurant website
  • Spark - Enhanced Drupal authoring experience
  • Wiki installation profile - Wiki with Drupal


Useful slideshows:


Tutorials and articles: