
The project demonstrates how to extract imei, geolocation, and advertising id of an android phone. Moreover, it demonstrates how to reverse the Android apk, performs smali code injection, and then finally repackage them.

Primary LanguageSmali

1.The code for extracting imei, geolocation, and advertising id is in "meta_information" folder.
2.The code for smali code injection is in "smali_code_injection" folder.
3.The difference for the original and the injectedCode "InjectedCode/Main.smali" file is stored in "InjectedCode/Main.diff".
4.The difference for the original and the injectedCode "InjectedCode/AdRequest.smali" file is stored in "InjectedCode/AdRequest.diff".
5.The smali file I created for getting AdId is in "InjectedCode/AdIdTask.smali", it is used in "InjectedCode/Main.smali".
6.The apk for extracting meta_information is "meta_information.apk".
7.The apk for original android app is "android_app_original.apk"
8.The apk for repackaged android app is "android_app_repackaged.apk"
9.The first and the third line in "meta_information_test.txt" is the geolocation of the user.
10.The second line in "meta_information_test.txt" is the IMEI of the user (Because I use emulator, so the IMEI is 000000000000000, I've checked it).
11.The fourth line in "meta_information_test.txt" is the advertising_id of the user.
12.For the file contents in "smali_code_injection.txt", I've extracted the logs obtained through "$adb logcat". I've picked the contents that are related to checkpoint 2 and put them in "smali_code_injection.txt".