
Simple authentication app built with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple authentication app built with Node.js


  • Register new user
  • Sign in registered user
  • Sign in / sign up with Facebook & Google
  • Account activation via email confirmation link
  • Send welcome email
  • Forgot Password / Reset Password

Setup Instructions

1. Config File

To run this application, config/app.js needs to be created with below contents. Fill in the variables with your information accordingly.

var HOST_BASE_URL = 'http://example.com';
module.exports = {
	'MONGO_DB_URI': 'mongodb://user:password@example.com:34534/database',
	'FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL': HOST_BASE_URL + '/auth/facebook/callback',
	'GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL': HOST_BASE_URL + '/auth/google/callback',
	'MANDRILL_FROM_EMAIL': 'user@example.com',
	'ACTIVATION_BASE_URL': HOST_BASE_URL + '/user/activate/',
	'RESET_BASE_URL': HOST_BASE_URL + '/password/reset/'

2. Database Setup

This app uses MongoDB as its database service. So you can either install MongoDB locally or use a service like Mongolab to get MongoDB storage on the cloud.

Whatever option you choose, make sure you update MONGO_DB_URI variable in your config/app.js.

How To Run

  • After cloning this repository, cd into it and run npm install command.
  • Then, you can run npm start command to run the server.
  • Finally, you can access the site on your browser at http://localhost:3000/


A running demo is deployed at https://theauthapp.herokuapp.com/

Tools Used

Further Details

  • The design is responsive - works just as well for mobile
  • Users signed in through Facebook & Google don't need to confirm identity via confirmation email because Facebook & Google already confirms identity via email