Tesla Car Range, Base Price and Exact Price Prediction - Machine Learning

Tesla is a car brand. I have implemented a machine learning software that includes various car models and versions that Tesla has produced. This software based on multiple regression principles;

1) Full price by range or base price,

2) Base price by range and full price,

3) Estimates range based on base price and full price.

As you can see in the image, the base price of our Model-3 Standard Range Plus version with a range of 263 and a full price of $ 54490 was estimated with an accuracy of 93.29570119776942. The data is completely prepared by me and taken from the website https://www.solarreviews.com/blog/how-much-do-teslas-electric-vehicles-cost.

###The coding language used:

Python 3.9.6

###Libraries Used:




Developer Information:

Name-Surname: Emirhan BULUT

Contact (Email) : emirhan.bulut@turkiyeyapayzeka.com

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/artificialintelligencebulut/

Official Website: https://www.emirhanbulut.com.tr