This project aims to create a comprehensive book management system using microservices architecture. The system includes services for user authentication, user management, book management, author management, review management, and notification management.
- Spring Boot (Kotlin and Java)
- Spring Security
- Apache Kafka
- Redis
- PostgreSQL
- Amazon S3
- Zipkin
- Vault
- Docker
The system consists of several microservices, each handling a specific domain of the application:
- Auth Service: Handles user authentication and communicates with the Account Service for account details.
- Account Service: Manages user registration, profiles, and user data.
- Book Service: Manages book details, including adding, updating, deleting, and listing books.
- Author Service: Manages author details, including adding, updating, deleting, and listing author books..
- Review Service: Allows users to write and view book reviews.
- Notification Service: Sends notifications to users about important events.
- Gateway: Acts as an API gateway for the system, handling requests and routing them to the appropriate services.
- Config Server: Manages configuration properties for all services.
- Eureka Server: Manages service discovery and registration.
- Synchronous communication between services is handled using Feign Client.
- Asynchronous communication between Review and Notification services is managed using Kafka.
- JWT: JSON Web Tokens are used for authentication and authorization.
- Spring Security: Provides security features such as authentication and authorization.
- Vault: Used for storing sensitive information such as database credentials and JWT secret
- Redis: Used for caching books data.
- Amazon S3: Used for storing book images.
- PostgreSQL: Used for storing user, book, author, and review data.
"username": "emir",
"password": "pass"
if account does not exist response will be like this:
"timestamp": "Sun, 09 Jun 2024 10:33:04 GMT",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Account not found with username: emir",
"path": "http://account-service/api/v1/accounts/username/emir"
if login is successful response will be like this:
"user": {
"id": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"username": "emir",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoiQURNSU4iLCJzdWIiOiJlbWlyIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE3OTI5MzE3LCJleHAiOjE3MTc5MzI5MTd9.2PwvuO_qMbKyhHcRgnGC1t2Vb0upRDx1Ohawh4EAnnU"
"username": "emir",
"password": "pass",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
if account already exists response will be like this:
account already exists
if register is successful response will be like this:
"id": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"username": "emir",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
if account does not exist response will be like this:
Account not found with id: 86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-0a33ced3fff2
if account exists response will be like this:
"id": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"username": "emir",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
if account does not exist response will be like this:
Account not found with username: emir
if account exists response will be like this:
"id": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"username": "emir",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
"username": "emirhan",
"email": "",
"password": "pass",
"role": "ADMIN"
if account does not exist response will be like this:
Account not found with id: 86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-0a33ced3fff2
if account updated successfully response will be like this:
"id": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"username": "emirhan",
"email": "",
"role": "ADMIN"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header
if account does not exist response will be like this:
Account not found with id: 86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-0a33ced3fff2
if account deleted successfully response will be like this:
Account deleted successfully
if account does not exist response will be like this:
Account not found with id: 86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-0a33ced3fff2
if account has reviews response will be like this:
"id": "9ad9984c-16e9-46a4-9d13-f93fce92ec61",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
if author saved successfully response will be like this:
"id": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
if there are authors response will be like this:
"id": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
if author does not exist response will be like this:
Author not found with id: 5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a
if author exists response will be like this:
"id": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist. He was born on 28 April 1953.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
if author does not exist response will be like this:
Author not found with id: 5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a
if author updated successfully response will be like this:
"id": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"name": "Roberto Bolaño",
"biography": "Roberto Bolaño Ávalos was a Chilean novelist. He was born on 28 April 1953.",
"birthDate": "1953-04-28"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
if author does not exist response will be like this:
Author not found with id: 5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a
if author deleted successfully response will be like this:
Author deleted successfully
if author does not exist response will be like this:
Author not found with id: 5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a
if author has no books response will be like this:
if author has books response will be like this:
"id": "67858f86-941d-4a23-8c54-664fff46e878",
"title": "2666",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"description": "2666 is a novel written by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. It is divided into five parts and explores a wide range of themes, including the nature of evil, the power of literature, and the legacy of European colonialism in Latin America.",
"genres": [
"[Mystery, Novel]"
"publishedDate": "2004-11-11"
"id": "faccb813-2ba1-4fb0-9a15-a1bde43a6d7b",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño. It is narrated by over 50 different characters and follows two poets as they travel across Mexico, Europe, and Africa in search of a mysterious poet named Cesárea Tinajero.",
"genres": [
"[Novel, Mystery]"
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño. It is narrated by over 50 different characters and follows two poets as they travel across Mexico, Europe, and Africa in search of a mysterious poet named Cesárea Tinajero.",
"genres": ["Novel", "Mystery"],
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
if book saved successfully response will be like this:
"id": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño. It is narrated by over 50 different characters and follows two poets as they travel across Mexico, Europe, and Africa in search of a mysterious poet named Cesárea Tinajero.",
"genres": [
"[Novel, Mystery]"
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
if there are books response will be like this:
"id": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño. It is narrated by over 50 different characters and follows two poets as they travel across Mexico, Europe, and Africa in search of a mysterious poet named Cesárea Tinajero.",
"genres": [
"[Novel, Mystery]"
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
"id": "1a59aefc-b9fa-4aef-a76c-f0e00b1e58d7",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "2666",
"description": "2666 is a novel written by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. It is divided into five parts and explores a wide range of themes, including the nature of evil, the power of literature, and the legacy of European colonialism in Latin America.",
"genres": [
"[Mystery, Novel]"
"publishedDate": "2004-11-11"
if book does not exist response will be like this:
Book not found with id: d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d
if book exists response will be like this:
"id": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño. It is narrated by over 50 different characters and follows two poets as they travel across Mexico, Europe, and Africa in search of a mysterious poet named Cesárea Tinajero.",
"genres": [
"[Novel, Mystery]"
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño.",
"genres": ["Novel", "Mystery"],
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
if book does not exist response will be like this:
Book not found with id: d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d
if book updated successfully response will be like this:
"id": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"authorId": "5e8e2dd8-e69b-41f5-bd92-8989c846226a",
"title": "The Savage Detectives",
"description": "The Savage Detectives is a novel by Roberto Bolaño.",
"genres": [
"[Novel, Mystery]"
"publishedDate": "1998-10-01"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
if book does not exist response will be like this:
Book not found with id: d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d
if book deleted successfully response will be like this:
Book deleted successfully
and books image will be deleted
if book does not exist response will be like this:
Book not found with id: d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d
if book has no reviews response will be like this:
if book has reviews response will be like this:
"id": "25958ffb-b3c1-4651-845e-125a6966d8ba",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header and role should be ADMIN
"file": "image.png"
if image saved successfully response will be image.jpg
if book does not exist response will be like this:
Book not found with id: d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d
if book has no image response will be like this:
No image found
if book has image response will be image.jpg
this endpoint needs authentication token in header
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
if review saved successfully response will be like this:
"id": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
if there are reviews response will be like this:
"id": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 5.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
if review does not exist response will be like this:
Review not found with id: 287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158
if review updated successfully response will be like this:
"id": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is not bad"
this endpoint needs authentication token in header
if review does not exist response will be like this:
Review not found with id: 287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158
if review deleted successfully response will be like this:
Review deleted successfully
if review does not exist response will be like this:
Review not found with id: 287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158
if review exists response will be like this:
"id": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing"
This service sends email to user when a review is added to a book. It listens to review added event.
"payload": {
"id": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"accountId": "86abedd0-6c83-4b6a-93f8-a33ceed3fff2",
"bookId": "d8e13ab5-d303-4c1c-b281-f4480ec0366d",
"rating": 7.5,
"review": "this book is amazing",
"createdAt": [2024,6,9,15,6,41,258502000],
"updatedAt": [2024,6,9,15,6,41,258502000]
"headers": {
"topic": "review-service.review_created.0",
"messageKey": "287a0ddf-6ff3-4e58-96f3-185697a96158",
"id": "6c3d5b85-965a-6beb-c377-9168f67aa6db",
"timestamp": 1717934801326