
It is a backend application developed with Restful architecture for Mail Management System application.

Primary LanguageJava

Mail Management System

Abouth the Project

It is a backend application developed with Restful architecture for Mail Management System application.In the application, it is possible to perform database create, update and delete operations on mail addresses.You can send an e-mail to a record or you can send an e-mail to the e-mail addresses in the entire database.

Build With

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data
  • H2 Database
  • Spring Mail
  • Maven

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


1.Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/emirleroglu/SpringEmailDemo.git

2.Type the email and password in the application.properties

spring.mail.username= your mail address
spring.mail.password= your google app password

3.If you want to add database mail addresses beforehand, enter LoadDatabase.java and add it.

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Build and Run

1.Build your app

mvn package

2.Run your app with dependencies

mvn spring-boot:run


1.Post mail addres

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2.Get all mail adresses

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3.Updata mail adress

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4.Send mail using id

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5.Send mail all mail adresses

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Halil Emirleroğlu - emirlerogluhalil@gmail.com

Project Source - https://github.com/emirleroglu/SpringEmailDemo