
[#ARCHIVE] Drupal ~4.7.x module for decoding vehicle identification numbers (VINs)

Primary LanguagePHP

the VIN module (is a drupal module that) decodes [V]ehicle [I]dentification [N]umbers

When decoded, the VIN tells the country and year of manufacture; make, model and serial number; 
assembly plant; and in some cases it even identifies equipment specifications.

The vehicle identification number is divided into four parts:

 1. World Manufacturer's Identification (WMI - three characters)
 2. Vehicle Description Section (VDS - five characters)
 3. The VIN Accuracy Check Digit
 4. Vehicle Identification Section (VIS - eight characters)

2FMZU62E02ZB78590 breaks down to: [ 2FM | ZU62E | 0 | 2ZB78590 ]

 1. WMI(3) == '2FM'
    1a. == '2' (Canada) 
    1b. == 'F' (Mfg.?)
    1c. == 'M' (Make or Division?)

 2. VDS(5) == 'ZU62E'
    2a. == 'ZU' (?)
    2b. == '62E' (vehicle line)

 3. CHK(?) == '0'

 4. VIS(8) == '2ZB78590'
    4a. == '2' (Model Year)
    4b. == 'Z' (Assembly Plant)
    4c. == 'B78590' (Veh. Serial #)

* https://www.fleet.ford.com/maintenance/vin_tools/vinexample.htm
* http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Vehicle_Identification_Numbers_(VIN_codes)/Ford/VIN_Codes