To focus on CRUD, I worked on a JavaScript notes app based on a tutorial by dcode.
The app is keyboard accessible and has an adjustable sidebar with usage of Interact.js.
The app uses local storage for data persistence and JavaScript modules to render the HTML view.
This app is best viewed on a desktop computer or a laptop, using a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.
git clone git@github.com:emjose/js-notes-app.git && cd js-notes-app
• JS Notes is best viewed on a desktop computer or a laptop, using a Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.
• The sidebar is adjustable, and long titles and note contents are scrollable.
• JS Notes is a progressive web app.
GIF demo: Data Persistence
• Local storage is used for data persistence, and notes can be viewed, added, and deleted.
• When a note is selected for deletion, a browser prompt appears for confirmation (not captured by GIF recording).
GIF demo: Editing Notes
Notes can be edited, and the list of notes are sorted by most recent timestamp of edits.