It is a simple app built with:
- React - used for frontend
- Next.js - used for easy creation of pages
- MongoDB - used as a database for messages
- Redis - used as a database for messages with timeout
- Node.js - used as a backend tool
- Bootstrap - used for styling
- Skaffold - used for watching over files and immediately applying changes to kubernetes configuration
The main goal of this project was to learn how to deploy full-stack app (even if a very basic one) on kubernetes.
The frontend consists of landing page and one subpage.
On the landing page user can:
- send a message and a secret key that will be stored in pod with MongoDB container
- receive a message if the correct key was provided
On the /timeout subpage user can do both previous things but with a little twist - they have to choose an amount of time after which the message won't be accessible.
This feature makes use of in-memory database Redis container.
The backend consists of four endpoints.
- /secret - posting messages
- /secret/get - posting key and receving message
- /secret_timeout - posting messages with expration time
- /secret_timeout/get - posting key and receiving message
The kubernetes configuration consists of seven files.
- mongo_dv_pv.yaml - creates persistent volume as to not loose data if the pod went down
- mongo_db_pvc.yaml - creates persisten volume claim with storage of 128 MB
- mongo.yaml - configuration for mongoDB database:
- kind: Deployment
- image: mongo
- volumeMount and volumes for persisting data
- one replica as I did not think anymore were needed
- redis.yaml - configuration for Redis database:
- kind: Deployment
- image: redis
- no volumes as persisting data was not needed for short-living keys
- again one replica
- backend.yaml - configuration for backend:
- kind: Deploment
- image: emjot13/backend
- one replica
- frontend.yaml - configuration for frontend:
- kind: Deployment
- image: emjot13/frontend
- one replica
- ingress.yaml - configuration for ingress service:
- apiVersion:
- kind: Ingress
- host:
- ingress.class : nginx
- use-regex: true - used for paths distinction
- paths:
- path: /secret?(.*) - matches all backend endpoints
- service: backend
- port: 3000
- path: /?(.*) - matches all other endpoints as backend is already checked at this point
- service: frontend
- port: 3000
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.