
Convolutional Facial Parts (eye + nose + mouth) Detector

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Convolutional Facial Parts Detector - CFPD

This repository is implementation of a facial parts detector that is based on a moderate size Convolutional Neural Network. Given a face image, the model can detected eyes (together with eyebrows), nose and mouth. It can run on top of any face detector. Since the network is not very large, the performance is in real-time.


(Note: There is a docker image for this repo. If it is better for you, please see below.)

  • Python 3.6
  • Pytorch 0.4.1
  • OpenCV
  • Matplotlib 3.0.2
  • Dlib 19.4.0 (For camera demo)

The model was trained and tested using GPU, thus if possible use GPU for training/testing. I included 'requirements.txt' file, if you want you can use it to create the same environment that I have. To do that:

conda create --name <ENV_NAME> --file requirements.txt
conda activate <ENV_NAME>

Note that this may take a while. If you would like to install the dependencies via pip, you can go ahead and:

pip install opencv-python
pip install dlib
pip install matplotlib

And for pytorch, please visit their webpage for installation instructions.

Camera Demo

If you are not interested in training/testing and just want to see what the model can do, then the script you are looking for is camera_demo.py. Like its name suggests, it is a demo that uses your camera. Since this model works on top of a face detector, I implemented this demo using dlib library's face detector. So in order to use the demo, you will need that.

To download the pretrained model:

# On Linux or Mac
sudo chmod u+x download_models.sh

On windows you will need to donwload the models manually from here (downlaod all data folder and save it to this directory)

To run the demo:

python camera_demo.py


The model was trained using the 300W, LFPW, HELEN, AFW and IBUG datasets (download link) If you want to repeat the training process, download these datasets. If you want to use the default setup, extract them into ./data/images/DATASET_NAME_AS_WRITTEN_ABOVE. Then run:

python main.py --section-name cfpd

If you want to use your own setup, or a different dataset, you will need to modify ./config.ini file and ./constants.py file. In ./config.ini file we basically have the configuration parameters such as: parameters for training and parameters for datasets. And ./constants.py file parses the config file and saves all of the parameters defined in a class for convenience and to not have 1 million parameter definitions all around the code.

As it was said 300-W dataset was used to train this model. So, as well as images, .pts (facial landmarks) files are necessary to train the model.

A little explanation for the n_augmented_images parameter in ./config.ini file can be necessary;

  • n_augmented_images = 0 (no data augmentation)
  • n_augmented_images = 1 (images will be normalized to canonical pose)
  • n_augmented_images > 1 (data augmentation by randomly scaling, rotating, and transforming)


All pretrained models can be tested using ./tests.py script:

python tests.py --section-name cfpd

Docker image

Probably quickest way to start using this repo:

Docker image

However please keep in mind that if you want to use the docker image for camera demo, you will need to make your display available in the docker image.

Also, during training you might get an error if you don't have your display available in the docker image. The reason for that is because during training the loss graph is drawn using matplotlib. If you get any error related to display during training, just comment this line out in trainer_and_tester.py:

track_losses(losses, model_save_path)


While the code is licensed under the MIT license, please remember that the pretrained models that are provided with this repository are trained on 300-W dataset. This dataset can be used only for research purposes. For details please refer to this link