
http framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


super fast http framework

API Stability Build Status Standard - JavaScript Style Guide Standard Version


npm i theodore


const Theodore = require('theodore')
const app = new Theodore()

app.get('/', (req, res, params) => res.send('hello world', 200))
app.get('/status', (req, res, params) => res.send('OK', 200))
app.get('/cats', (req, res, params) => res.json(['theodore', 'sally', 'glory'], 200))



theodore uses turbo-http under the hood and adds a router and similar API to other http frameworks. It also adds some convenience methods that allow you to send JSON responses by using the fast-safe-stringify package. When parsing JSON data it is using fast-json-parse.


app = new Theodore()

Create a new server.

app.{get,post,put,delete}(route, handler(req, res, params))

Create a route that matches the method and route.


If the request has a body it will be parsed based on content type and placed in req.body.

res.json(json, statusCode)

Will set the content type and stringify the JSON for you.

res.send(data, statusCode)

Send a response down the line.