
Assembler library

Primary LanguageC


The libasm project aims to code a mini library in ASM . Recode some basic functions of the libC to generate a library. It helps to be familiar with the language syntax , the operation of stack, but also the behavior of the compiler.


  1. Makefile
  2. Function list
Commande Actions
make Compile all .s and create an executable 'libfts.a'
make clean Delete all .o.
make flcean Delete all .o and executable 'libfts.a'.
make re Execute fclean and make.
make test Execute testing of the library
make bonus Execute bonus functions


  • cat : Displays the parameter contained in the file
  • putstr : Prints string without '\n'
  • putstr_cyan : Prints in cyan
  • putstr_fd : Prints on the selected file descriptor