The libasm project aims to code a mini library in ASM . Recode some basic functions of the libC to generate a library. It helps to be familiar with the language syntax , the operation of stack, but also the behavior of the compiler.
Commande | Actions |
make |
Compile all .s and create an executable 'libfts.a' |
make clean |
Delete all .o. |
make flcean |
Delete all .o and executable 'libfts.a'. |
make re |
Execute fclean and make. |
make test |
Execute testing of the library |
make bonus |
Execute bonus functions |
- memset
- bzero
- memcpy
- isalpha
- strcat
- isdigit
- isalnum
- isascii
- isprint
- toupper
- tolower
- strlen
- strdup
- puts
- cat : Displays the parameter contained in the file
- putstr : Prints string without '\n'
- putstr_cyan : Prints in cyan
- putstr_fd : Prints on the selected file descriptor