
A Snakemake workflow for analyzing AMBER molecular dynamics simulations.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

AMBER Analysis Workflow


Table of contents


This repository is a Snakemake workflow for working with AMBER MD analysis.

You will need to install snakemake with Python 3.x for your system. Different components of this workflow also require an installation of R.

Currently, the Residue_E_Decomp_openmp.f90 in the scripts/ directory is a blank file for testing. You can download the actual script from the Cisneros Group's GitHub.

The base directory is the entry point for this workflow.

  • analysis: contains the output from analyses.
  • config: configuration files. The .tsv files should be used to give the workflow a "map" of your directory tree.
  • rules: contains the rules for snakemake and any required function definitions.
  • scripts: the base scripts that generate system-specific scripts. This is where you would modify specific analyses or figure-rendering. They are written to take system arguments for the things specified in the config/config.yaml file that would be unique for a given project.

It is recommended that you use the PyCharm (Community) IDE when editing these files, and adding the recommended plugins for Snakemake and TSV files. This will make debugging way, way easier!

What To Install

Following the snakemake recommendations, you should set up a conda environment using Python 3.6 or newer.

# Create a new environment named `snakemake` and install `snakemake` into it
$ conda -n snakemake snakemake
# Activate the environment
$ conda activate snakemake
# Install the packages needed for plotting scripts
# `pandas` and `numpy` should already be `snakemake` dependencies
$ conda install matplotlib
$ conda install prody
$ conda install statsmodels
$ conda install gnuplot
# Install the things necessary for R (required for `eda_avg` rule)
$ conda install r-base r-essentials
$ conda install r-abind

You can build this environment simply by running:

$ conda env create -f env/environment.yml

If you are going to install this today, you will want to use the GitHub version of Prody due to an error when parsing NMD file in the 2.0 release. Instead of conda install prody, instead do:

$ conda activate snakemake
$ conda install git pip
$ pip install git+https://github.com/prody/ProDy.git

The gnuplot install is not required if you already have a gnuplot installation on the system you will use.

A Note on R

If you already have an R installation, you don't have to go through the conda R installation steps. In that case, if R is stored a module, source the module before running the workflow with snakemake. If you would rather have everything contained in conda, make sure you comment out any ~/.Renviron file you may have, as it will point to the wrong library path, and those libraries are likely incompatible with the conda-installed version.

Before You Use

The scripts/ directory contains the scripts for the analysis. If you have specific analyses or plotting needs, you will want to modify these scripts. For example, if you want to plot distances for a specific atom pair, you will want to add that into the write_analy_traj function of write-cpptraj.py. Similarly, if you know you need specific axes for plots, you will want to add those to the relevant scripts.

If you want to set up variables as part of a .tsv, then that process will require a bit more work, including:

  • Adding the code to read the new .tsv starting with a Path column that matches systems.tsv
  • Storing the newly read .tsv as a dictionary
  • Get snakemake to parse the dictionary when iterating through the systems
  • Adding system arguments to the Python scripts
  • Adding those system arguments into the appropriate rules/*.smk file

Getting Ready for Your System

The config directory contains 3 files:

  • config.yaml: contains options and descriptions for configuring the workflow

  • EDAvalues.tsv: a tab separated file with 5 columns of information necessary to set up the files for Energy Decomposition Analysis (EDA). Keep the header! These columns include:

    • Path: The path within the analysis tree where the files should be saved. A typical path should look like System/replicate. This block must match the Path specified in systems.tsv.
    • NRES: The number of non-solvent residues that you want to look at for the EDA. (Ex: 455)
    • NATOM: The total number of atoms in the trajectory. (Ex: 51348)
    • NPROTAT: The number of atoms in the non-solvent portion of residues selected in NRES. (Ex: 5880)
    • TOTRES: The number of total residues in the trajectory. (Ex: 20348)

    NRES and NATOM can be identified from the .prmtop file, but typically the system will need to be converted to a PDB to determine NRES and TOTRES.

  • systems.tsv: a tab separated file with 5 columns of information necessary to set up the file paths for various analyses. This is effectively a roadmap for the directory tree. Keep the header!

    • Path: The path within the analysis tree where the files should be saved. A typical path should look like System/Replicate. This block must match the Path specified in EDAvalues.tsv.

      (Ex: WT_r1)

    • System: The system that the analysis is being performed on. This should match the first part of Path (prior to the slash). An example of different systems would be WT, MUTA, and MUTB.

      (Ex: WT)

    • Replicate: The replicate. For the R-based EDA rules, particularly, you need at least 3 replicates. This should match the second part of Path (after the slash).

      (Ex: r1)

    • Parm_Path: The full system path to the trajectory files for a particular System/Replicate. The prmtop, inpcrd, and nc or mdcrd files should be in the same directory.

      (Ex: /home/$USER/project/system/replicate)

    • Sys_Tag: The "tag" for files written in a shared directory that distinguishes one system type from another. Typically, this will look like a combination of the PROJ_ID specified in the config/config.yaml and the System.

      (Ex: ProteinID_WT)

⚠️ File Naming Warning ⚠️

You MUST have consistent file naming for the prmtop, inpcrd, and trajectory files! THIS IS CRUCIAL TO THE WORKFLOW!!!!! The Sys_Tag is specified in the config/systems.tsv file. You can modify the scripts a little bit, but it's set up for stuff like this:

  • Prmtop: {Sys_Tag}.prmtop

    • Ex reps 1: crambin-WT-wat.prmtop, crambin-H39C-wat.prmtop
    • Ex reps 2: crambin_WT.prmtop, crambin_H39C.prmtop
  • Inpcrd: {Sys_Tag}.inpcrd

    • Ex reps 1: crambin-WT-wat.inpcrd, crambin-H39C-wat.inpcrd
    • Ex reps 2: crambin_WT.inpcrd, crambin_H39C.inpcrd
  • Traj (mdcrd/nc): {Sys_Tag}{fs}md{num}.{f_ext}

    • Ex reps 1: crambin-WT-wat-md50.mdcrd, crambin-H39C-wat-md50.mdcrd
    • Ex reps 2: crambin_WT_md50.nc, crambin_H39C_md50.nc
Variable Explanation
Sys_Tag The project identifier for a system/replicate.
fs A file separator. Common examples are -, _, and .
system What system the files are for (like wild type or a specific mutant).
num The number of the trajectory file, since we write in short chunks.
f_ext The file extension type. You might save using nc or mdcrd.

Basically, don't interchange between the examples. If you did, you'll want to rename all your files SAFELY. Do NOT think "oh this loop is safe" without testing it AWAY from your data first!!! You may think it'll work fine, but that's a really easy way to overwrite or delete your data in 10 seconds.

The rename command (which doesn't exist on all operating systems...) can be useful for doing this. It takes the current naming you want to switch, the thing you want to switch it to, and the files it should be applied to as arguments.

$ ls
thing-name-2020-want.inpcrd  thing-name-2020-want_md3.nc
thing-name-2020-want_md1.nc  thing-name-2020-want.prmtop
$ rename thing-name-2020-want proteinID-WT-wat thing-name-2020-want*
$ ls
proteinID-WT-wat.inpcrd  proteinID-WT-wat_md2.nc  proteinID-WT-wat.prmtop
proteinID-WT-wat_md1.nc  proteinID-WT-wat_md3.nc
$ rename _md -md proteinID-WT-wat_*
$ ls
proteinID-WT-wat.inpcrd  proteinID-WT-wat-md2.nc  proteinID-WT-wat.prmtop
proteinID-WT-wat-md1.nc  proteinID-WT-wat-md3.nc

If you used prod or didn't use a word to specify production in your trajectory files, you may opt to remove the md specifier in the scripts and files, but it can be a pain. Using rename is certainly easier.

Using Snakemake

You can use snakemake -np as a dry-run. It will verify that all files are present and show commands to be executed. If files are missing in the expected paths, it will print a warning.

Each rule can be used alone with something like:

snakemake <rule> --cores 1

There's a whole host of different options in the snakemake documentation.

Testing the Workflow

You can create a PDF of how Snakemake thinks your workflow links together:

snakemake --forceall --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf

You can also make a PNG by changing the file type.

snakemake --forceall --dag | dot -Tpng > dag.png

This is a great way to check for errors!

snakemake predicted workflow

Removing Past Output

You can test deleting output from snakemake with:

snakemake cpptraj_write --delete-all-output --dry-run

And actually do it with:

snakemake cpptraj_write --delete-all-output --cores 1

This particular workflow has a clean rule, which will remove the previous analyses. Be careful, though, as this will remove any generated input scripts or trajectory files. You can rewrite the rule for yourself in rules/common.smk.

snakemake clean --cores 1

Running on a Cluster (But Not the Snakemake Way)

Part of what this workflow does is build the specific queue submission scripts for each job, since each job type has different needs. While snakemake can run through a cluster system, this approach seemed ideal when dealing with specific workflow rules, especially those pertaining to EDA. However, because of this atypical approach to snakemake, we want to set the output-wait flag so that it knows that it might take a while for certain jobs to run. This may backfire! If you don't see any other jobs in the queue from the snakemake job for a few minutes, you may want to end the job and investigate.

Similarly, because interactive jobs are dependent on the VPN, we can submit the overall snakemake job through the queuing system.

#PBS -q my_cpu_alloc
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2,mem=8GB
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -r n
#PBS -o err.error
#PBS -N proteinID_smk


## Use this to evaluate the conda commands
# eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
source ~/.bash_profile

## Set-up conda environment
# conda create -n snakemake snakemake

## Activate the conda environment
conda activate snakemake

## Run snakemake
## Output wait time is in seconds
## Wait 2 hours for new files: 7200
## Wait 24 hours for new files: 86400
snakemake --cores 2 --output-wait 7200



  • Cite snakemake for their powerhouse software
  • Cite pandas for their beautiful TSV reading functions
  • Cite numpy for all things math
  • Cite matplotlib for the figures it helped make
  • Cite statsmodels for their hand in the matrix correlation figures
  • Cite prody for doing the normal mode analysis


  • Cite R itself for existing in the world
  • Cite tidyverse for changing the game of data table processing
  • Cite data.table for reading EDA data with ease
  • Cite abind for helping to process the EDA data


  • The Residue_E_Decomp_openmp.f90 program (an empty file here to check the workflow) can be downloaded from the Cisneros Group's GitHub. The citation information is shared there.


  • Write some scripts for renaming files to the syntax required for this workflow
  • Add more analysis and test on a real system
  • Test on a cluster
  • Create (and test!) the environment files
  • Add SLURM and LSF examples to scripts for bash