
City Website

Primary LanguagePHP

Assignment 7

Author Email Due
Emma Campbell ecampb10@u.rochester.edu March 26th, 2021

Website used: http://hli66.digitalscholar.rochester.edu/assignment02/overview.php

Previous Font: Hoefler Text

New Fonts

I chose the following new fonts to add to the website:

  • Spectral
  • Karla

I chose Spectral and Karla as the two fonts to implement. Spectral is a serif-font, and I will implement it as a header font (h1, h2, h3), as it is clean, some-what "fancy/upscale" and easy to read. The previous font was an "Old Style" Hoefler Text, classic and traditional. The new font, Spectral, is a bit more transitional and Modern. I chose spectral because there is a larger spacing in-between letters which improves legibility. I chose Karla, a sans-serif typeface, for the paragraph text because it is modern and constrasts nicely with Spectral. I believe that the two fonts add a sense of moderness plus a sense of class.

CSS Changes

Overall, there weren't too many changes that I made to the site. CSS wise, I first changed the fonts to their new typefaces. I noticed that the paragraph font was a little hard to read, so I upped the size and increased the line spacing to increase legibility.

The only other CSS change that I made was to change the background color of the container to white. This increases the constrast between the typeface and the background -- increasing reability.

List of All Changes

  • Changed the header font to Spectral
  • Changed paragraph font to Karla
    • changed line height so there is a little more white space
  • Changed backgrounds to white to increase readability
  • HTML/CSS clean up, so many spaces oh my
  • changed index page name to "index.php" so its recognized by the server