
quick-credit-api is an online lending platform that provides short term soft loans to individuals. This helps solve problems of financial inclusion as a way to alleviate poverty and empower low income earners.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Quick Credit API

is an online lending platform that provides short term soft loans to individuals. This helps solve problems of financial inclusion as a way to alleviate poverty and empower low income earners.


Quick Credit API was developed with JavaScript (ES6), Node.js using Express 4.
with Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide

Swagger Documentation

API endpoints Documentation URL - https://quick-credit-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/docs/

API Information

API endpoints URL - https://quick-credit-api.herokuapp.com/

POST Sign Up api/v1/auth/signup
POST Sign In api/v1/auth/signin
POST Apply for a Loan api/v1/loans
GET Get all User api/v1/Users
GET Get all Loan Applications api/v1/loans
GET Get Specific Loan Application api/v1/loans/:loanid
GET Get Current Loans (not fully repaid) api/v1/loans/?status=approved&repaid=false
GET Get all Repaid Loans. api/loans/?status=approved&repaid=true
PATCH Mark a client as verified api/v1/users/<:user-email>/verify
PATCH Approve or reject a loan application api/v1/loans/<:loan-id>
POST Create a loan repayment record api/v1/loans/<:loan-id>/repayment
GET View loan repayment history api/v1/loans/<:loan-id>/repayments

Sample Users

Username: admin@quickcredit.com
Password: emma@2020

Username: user@quickcredit.com
Password: emma@2020

Running Locally

Make sure you have Node.js 12.14.1 installed and POSTMAN.

git clone https://github.com/emma50/quick-credit-api.git
cd quick-credit-api
npm install
npm start

Quick Credit API should now be running on localhost:3000.


Okwuidegbe Emmanuel Ikechukwu